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  • „Sas lelkek” és tengersík vidékek: a szabadságkép mint a Petőfi-kultusz tartós problémaforrása
    Megtekintések száma:

    •The concept of freedom plays a central role not only in Petőfi’s reception, but also in constructing the poet’s own image and it is the base of the cults of Petőfi as well. His poem, •The Plains is of central importance in this process: the metaphorization and the semantization of the concept of freedom happens through this poem in public education. It is also responsible for the specifically national image of freedom which facilitates the process of making the national images of the 19-20th literature a factor in forming a collective identity. However, the central metaphor for freedom in •The Plains is very specific: it expresses negation rather than standing up for values – freedom from something rather than freedom to do something. In this paper I would argue that this metaphor can be used effectively in different kinds of cults. Even though the metaphor seemingly serves its purpose well in constructing the collective identity and it can have a strong emotional-mobilizational aspect, it also poses a lot of problems for further analysis.

  • A „cudar porkoláb”: Az irodalom „mellékállásainak” kritikai következményei a 20. század elején
    Megtekintések száma:

    By the end of the 19th century, the writer’s former ‘normal career’, i.e. the wealth provided by social status, which helped to create the freedom and leisure time necessary for writing, had been transformed. However, the perception of the jobs that replaced it was not uniform in the authors’ descriptions. Through the examples of three early 20th century authors, Margit Kaffka, Mihály Babits and Zsigmond Móricz, I seek to answer the question of how the desire to preserve the elite position of literature influenced the notions of work, ‘productivity’ and pro+t in the perception of the value of a writer’s career.