Keresési eredmények
Kultusz, pletyka, emlékezet: A kultúra közvetítésének aspektusai Nyáry Krisztián íróportréiban
173–181.Megtekintések száma:134The paper analyzes Krisztián Nyáry’s popular Facebook posts and volumes (This is the way they loved, Part One; Part Two) depicting the love life of Hungarian writers and poets. I explore how the short texts dealing with the love adventures of authors are defined by memory, which, in turn, is formed by cultic interpretation (with special focus on the Facebook posts). On the other hand, the popularity of posts is interpreted by describing the function of gossip and by Jan Asssman’s theory of communicative and cultural memory. The two formats of publishing the texts is compared, though only tangentially, with the aim of discovering the way the reception of texts change in relation to the different medial contexts.
A végzet városa: A debreceniség emlékezete Szabó Magda Kiálts, város! című drámájában
198–222.Megtekintések száma:88The study analyzes Magda Szabó’s historical drama “Shout, City!” looking for an answer to how the memory of Debrecen appears in the play. In the first two chapters, the paratexts of the play (title, prologue) are examined, followed by an analysis of the characteristics of the memory in the drama. The drama recalls different memorial topoi associated with Debrecen, reflecting that these are constructed by literary tradition. Magda Szabó’s text not only simply evokes the memorial narratives of Debrecen, but also questions their validity due to the dramatic events and the rhetorical complexity of the dramatic language. One chapter of the study discusses in detail the dramatic memory and dramaturgical role of Calvinian predestination. The analysis concludes that “Shout, City!” evokes Calvinist thoughts and their memorial narratives through a complex dialogue, shaped by dramatic events, dialogues and debates between characters. e nal chapter examines the end of the drama, based on Aleida Assmann’s study, focusing primarily on the issue of sacrice. As a result, the signicance of Magda Szabó’s historical drama is not given by drama poetic innovation, but by the intention to rethink the stories that construct the cultural memory of Debrecen.
Nevelődés, beavatás, mese: Tamási Áron Ábel a rengetegben című regényének műfaji elemzése
153–177.Megtekintések száma:263This paper attempts to reinterpret Áron Tamási’s most significant novel, Ábel a rengetegben (Abel in the Forest). The interpretation approaches the text from genre reading, according to which the analysis understands the text’s exemplary meanings based upon the genres of Bildungsroman, tale and initiation story. The paper sets out to demonstrate that the text’s poetic achievement can be best understood as the polyphony of meanings in themes, motifs as well as in linguistics–rhetoric, regardless its understanding as wish fulfilment in tales, or as successful educational process filled with tests, or as the parable of minority fate.