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  • A vezetői megbízással rendelkező szociális szolgáltatást nyújtó személyek vezetőképzésének koncepciója a Semmelweis Egyetemen
    In 2018 as a compulsory element an executive training program was introduced to the social education and training system. Semmelweis University was appointed by the Ministry of Human Capacities to realize and carry out the executive training program consisting of four units, called and later referred as modules.
    This paper aims to introduce the ideas and visions along which the content of the program has been developed to the wider professional audience. To cover all the information and crucial aspects the main stakeholders of the training were asked to present the concepts, content elements and experiences of the four modules, in separate sub-chapters.
  • A szerkezetváltó gimnáziumok hozzáadott tanulmányi értékének vizsgálata a családitőke-elmélet fogalmi keretei közt

    Multi-year gymnasia is one of the most controversial institutions of the Hungarian education system. There are two main intellectual streams in educational sociology regarding the problem: one argues that a society’s prosperity depends on the competence of its intellectual elites, and multi-year gymnasia ensures the fast and efficient development of young talents; the other claims that the program selects on the base of family background, therefore deepens inequalities. In this paper I examined the connection of family capital and test scores in the 2015 PISA survey database. I concluded that the relative score advantage of multi-year gymnasia cannot be separated form family capital, and the components of family capital all together and separately determine the chances of getting into the program.

  • Az LMBTQ közösség nemzetközi és hazai elfogadottságának vizsgálata

    In our study, we examined the acceptance of the LGBTQ community in Hungary and internationally along different dimensions using a hybrid approach. Using the quantitative data analysis method, we investigated Hungarian LGBTQ acceptance in an international context using longitudinal data from the European Social Survey. In the focus group qualitative study, we investigated the attitudes, acceptance and opinions of university students in Debrecen. The results of the 2020 Hungarian survey show that the acceptance of LGBTQ people is lower among older, primary-educated, right-wing, religious people. Compared to 2016 and 2018, Hungarian society has become more tolerant despite the anti-LGBTQ public mood, which is in line with international trends. The results of the 2022 focus group survey also confirmed the trends identified by the ESS. Acceptance is influenced by the political and legal environment in Hungary and the media representation created by these influences. In addition to these macro- factors, family, educational institution, and religion play an important role as micro- factors. All of these have an impact on acceptance and can perpetuate prejudices and stereotypes towards the LGBTQ community.

  • Szociális munka virtuális térben

    The current health crisis we are experiencing because of Covid-19 pandemic has put social worker schools in a new, unexpected position. How can a practice-based training program be organized during a ‘lockdown’ period? How practical skills can be acquired if contact with field teachers, social services and target groups is limited? Assuming that the world will not be the same after the pandemic and that higher education institutions and systems will not be the same after the crisis, we believe that it is time to rethink the forms of work in the training of social workers and to develop practical techniques that suit better the digital generation of 21st century. In order to learn about innovations and good practices arising from the situation, we organized a focus group interview with 15 field teachers. In the course of our research, we sought to answer the questions: What new forms of practical training have been developed? What are the benefits of the online education? What would the field teachers keep from the currently experimented forms of work in the post-crisis period? The first results of our research prove that, contrary to expectations, the world has not narrowed but expanded as a result of the restrictions. With the intensive use of digital tools and forms of work, remote locations and target groups have become available, special knowledge elements have become involved in training, and new opportunities for the development of personal skills have opened in the social worker training. The crisis situation had a particularly positive effect on the emergence of training innovations.