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  • Házi segítségnyújtás iránti igények időbeliségének mérése

    The aim of the research is to map out the temporal distribution of demands for home care services with special attention to the time periods outside normal service hours (on weekdays, from 8 to 16). It also describes the factors influencing demand and identifies the types of demand typical of the hours outside working time.

    The research has been carried out on a sample of 103 individuals, all clients of a social care institution, by way of voluntary and anonymous questionnaires. The questionnaires have been analysed along five research questions and seven hypotheses. Demands for home care clearly varied with regard to temporal distribution (daily and weekly patterns), and the research could also specify the types of activity requested. Based on this data we can clearly identify the need for services outside general service hours. The hypothesised background factors influencing the demand for care services have not proven to affect the use of service significantly; more research is needed in this field.

  • Párbeszéd a romok között – reformgondolatok a személyes gondoskodást nyújtó szociális szolgáltatásokról

    The topic of the article is status in the present of the Hungarian personal care social services, the problem map of the care system and the range of possible and necessary measures. The author identifies nine problem areas in the social field, within he identifies further phenomena. Based on these, he identifies twenty measures, that are necessary to prevent the crises of the social welfare system and to development of the area.

  • Beszámoló az International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) prágai küldöttgyűléséről és konferenciájáról

    Report on the annual delegate meeting and professional conference of the European region of the IFSW (International Federation of Social Workers) held in Prague in May 2023. The Hungarian Association of Social Workers (HASW) participated in the event with 4 people in person and online. The article summarizes the professional topics and proposals around which the conference was organized.

  • Az egyházi térnyerés dilemmái a szociális ágazatban

    The ecclesiastical takeover of the public services sector has been particularly strong over the last ten years. This change in the structure of the public sector raises several problems and dilemmas which are rarely discussed (openly) in professional circles. The expansion of churches has not come about organically but is the result of government measures. It is primarily ideological rather than professional factors that are at play, and in many areas, this is leading the care system in a questionable professional direction. This paper discusses the historical background to the emergence of the social care system, the differences in the way the domestic care system is funded depending on the type of provider, the pro-church restructuring of the service sector and the professional and ethical dilemmas of church-based service delivery.

  • Felzárkózási célú Európai Uniós projektek problématérképe

    The topic was the problem map of the projects for catch-up in the 2014-2020 period, based on the literature related to segregation phenomena, the analysis of related documents and interviews with social workers working in the field.

    The main problem areas that emerged during the research were: the use of concepts related to segregation, the delimitation and selection of segregation, and the various difficulties of project format implementation. Further, detailed research on the phenomena would be important, the phenomena related to segregation can be considered an important social problem for decades and understanding the difficulties can be a key element of successful interventions.

  • A szociális munkás és a hatalom – válasz Krémer Balázs cikkére

    The article responds to Balázs Krémer's article "From the Social Worker of Power to the Power of Social Work - Discussion Paper on the Crisis of Social Work" and the related online professional debate. In my article, I summarize my views on the historical and social embeddedness of social work in Hungary, including the apparent contrast between social policy and person-oriented social work, the contrast between improvisational and standardized social work, the phenomenon of client management, and the empowerment to interpret the social profession.

  • Gondolatok a szociális törvény módosításáról

    In November 2022, the Hungarian Parliament adopted the amendment to the Social Law. The amendment deals with the levels of responsibility of the social care system in a new approach, strengthening the role of the individual and relegating the state to the background. In this study, I present the antecedents of the amendment, the most important events related to its adoption, and the basic principles of the new approach in comparison with the basic principles of social work. I will cover the most important critical points that arise during practical application.