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  • Majority Decision Making

    Modern democracies, based on pluralism, recognize and affirm diversity, permit peaceful
    coexistence of different interests, values and convictions, and advocate a form of political
    moderation. For democracy to function and to be successful two of the most challenging
    questions must be raised and answered: Who have the right for collective decision-making?
    What principle should be used for these people to be elected? With the development of modern
    democracies it has become more and more accepted the idea that democracy should rest upon
    the principle of majority rule, coupled with individual and minority rights. Majority rule thus
    refers to the quantitative aspect of democracy, while individual and minority rights express
    the qualitative or constitutional aspect of it. A detailed analysis of democratic decision-making
    processes shows that not all decisions made by legislature – whose members are elected by the
    majority of the people – are effective and good decisions, and points at the fact that most of the
    democratic decisions are not made by the majority but by minority groups, who quite often take
    the initiative and can seriously influence the majority. This paper focuses on these issues.

  • Parents’ school volunteering in the interpretation of teachers in a disadvantaged region of Hungary

    In the international literature, there are many studies dealing with the voluntary work of parents at school, but there is little research on this in Hungary. In our study, we examine the volunteering of parents through the interpretation of teachers in three disadvantaged counties of Hungary, using a qualitative interview method. The research population was the teachers of primary and secondary schools, and the interviewed teachers were selected by multi-stage, stratified sampling. We included 38 interviews in the analysis, in which the voluntary work of the parents appeared. The interviews were analysed by manual and machine hybrid coding. According to our results, teachers also considered participation on request or under pressure as volunteering. “Real” volunteering is hardly present, and parents are less likely to initiate assistance on their own. Parents are typically occasional volunteers, and mostly the members of the parents’ work community participate in regular volunteer work. According to the teachers, the voluntary work of parents is indispensable in the life of the school, so in our opinion it would be important to promote it and to motivate parents to participate more in school life.

  • Az iskolai szociális munka rendszerintegrációs kérdései

    Társadalmunk problémái közül figyelemre méltó a fiatalokat érintő problémák magas száma. Többek között a trágár beszéd, a korai szexualitás, a tinédzserterhesség, erőszak, bántalmazás, gyermekszegénység, magatartásproblémák, iskolakerülés, stb. (Jankó 2008).

    A szociális munka igen szerteágazó különféle területen nyújt segítséget, s különféle célcsoporttal dolgozik: többek között gyermekekkel, fiatalokkal, szenvedélybetegekkel, hajléktalanokkal, tartós munkanélküliekkel, börtönből kikerült egyénekkel, időskorúakkal, fogyatékos személyekkel, stb. Napjainkban, a szociális szakmában a célcsoportok különböző okok miatt eltérő hangsúlyt kapnak (Máté - Gergál 2008). A problémák magas száma miatt számos szakma próbálja segíteni az integrációt a szocializáció területén, ebből egy tevékenység értelmezésére vállalkozom: az iskolai szociális munkára.

    Arra keresem a választ, hogy az iskolai szociális munka miként integrálódhat és fejthet ki hatékony tevékenységet a jelenlegi társadalmi-gazdaság keretek között a segítő szakmák körében. Melyek az elengedhetetlen kellékei egy jól strukturált, hosszútávon fenntartható szociális szolgáltatásnak?

    A kutatás alapját az adja, hogy az országban több helyen indultak sikeres kezdeményezések oktatási intézményekben arra, hogy iskolai szociális munka szolgáltatást nyújtsanak, mint például Székesfehérváron, Pécsett. Ezek az előzmények vezettek ahhoz, hogy Debrecenben is elinduljon egy modellprogram szervezése. A kezdeményezés egy innovatív modellprogramot hívott életre, melynek kísérleti szakasza 2012. júniusban zárult. Az Iskolai Szociális Munka Programban 20 szociális munka szakos, illetve szociális munka alapdiplomával rendelkező, de még hallgatói státuszban lévő hallgató 10 debreceni oktatási intézményben (5 általános- és 5 középiskolában) speciális önkéntes tevékenységet folytatott. Ennek jellemzője, hogy szaktudásuknak, képzettségüknek, érdeklődési körüknek megfelelő helyen tudnak önkéntes tevékenységet végezni. A program célja, hogy a felkészített szociális munka szakos hallgatók, heti négy órában, egy tanéven keresztül az általuk választott iskolában hatékony szociális munkát végezzenek, segítve a problémákkal küzdő fiatalokat. A módszerek között megtalálható az egyéni konzultáció, csoportos és közösségi szociális munka. A hallgatók a saját iskolájuk igényeit, szükségleteit és jellegzetességeit figyelembe véve állítják össze tevékenységüket. Programjukat folyamatosan bővítik, szükség esetén módosítják. Az itt nyert tapasztalatok hozzájárulnak a hallgatók szakmai fejlődéséhez, másfelől segítik a program továbbfejlődését.

  • New ways in exporting Society: The potential of donation.based digital data collection

    More and more digital data is being generated every day, and more and more social science
    analyses are using Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook data. Many international and national studies
    have already explored the social science opportunities and dilemmas raised by the phenomenon
    of ‚big data’ - but the issue of ‚access to data’ has only been touched upon tangentially. And
    access to data is becoming increasingly difficult. What can we do if market players close the
    access to their data, and, if we find data available, the Research Ethics Board tells us to stop? The
    answer is simple: go to the users and ask them for the data. This approach is what the literature
    calls data donation. This paper will describe the data donation approach in detail, focusing on
    how researchers can access data through users on the current major Western platforms. The
    practical feasibility of data donation access will be illustrated based on a domestic pilot study.

  • Certain issues of reliability and validity in the case of generalized trust survey measurement in light of the Hungarian data

    Trust is a field of research in social sciences that has complex, well-developed theoretical
    approaches, but its empirical tools are less precisely grounded. The most common survey tool
    for measuring generalized trust is a formula often referred to in the literature as “standard”
    trust question, which reads as follows: “Generally speaking, would you say that most people can
    be trusted or that you need to be very careful in dealing with people?” The aim of the paper is to
    examine this standard survey item along the dimensions of reliability and validity. In our analysis,
    we use Hungarian data obtained from various international surveys. Our results indicate serious
    validity problems, as the standard question shows only weak linkage with additional variables,
    which, based on the conceptual background, should be in a close relationship with trust.
    KEYWORDS: trust, generalized trust, survey methods, reliability, validity

  • The linkage between motivation, work experience and sense of deadline-keeping in product development projects of those working in the automotive industry

    Nowadays, numerous new automobiles are being developed by various companies and their
    suppliers around the globe. On account of the reduction of the product’s economic lifetime and
    effects of the global market, n the automotive segments the time factor plays a key role in the
    successful implementation of the project and consequently in the sale of the product. The current
    study, focusing on human conditions, scrutinizes the behaviour of the members engaged in the project. It’s primary focus is not to reveal the hindering factors due to time-losses arising from
    the shortage of resources or inadequate planning. These conspicuous reasons and the demonstration as well as treatment of risk, belong to the scope of the board of project portfolio management, which operates well among larger project organizations. Each project member is taking
    an individual approach towards meeting deadlines, and their motivation about the execution
    of the given tasks also vary. Beyond the results found both in the professional literature as well
    as general research, I study whether the unique features of the actual automotive organizational projects can be identified or not. The ongoing research observes, based on the experience
    acquired from the automobile development project, motivation and adherence to deadlines, the
    composition of the team impacting work efficiency.

  • The situation of Hungarian minority households with children in Transcarpatia

    In our study, we present the situation of Hungarian minority households with children in Ukrai-nian villages based on the results of our qualitative and quantitative researches. In the explora-tory research, 23 interviews were made, and in the questionnaire, research data were obtained from a total of 139 households and 253 children. We present the poverty of households with children along the standard of living and the deprivation features of the households. The core of our analysis is the specific labor market situation, the earning opportunities,and forms of employment that provide for livelihoods for the households with children. Beside the backward-ness of the area studied in the research, the strategies and life situations that characterize the Transcarpathian Hungarians are also presented, which are beyond the known European forms of poverty.

  • The Situation of Adult Education in Seclerland: Summary of professional analyzes from the decades following the regime change

    The study uses previous analysis and research reports to review the evolution of adult education.
    It presents the national and regional contexts, after that engages in the detailed presentation
    of adult education – structures, conditions, practices and functioninig – in Harghita county.
    One of the conclusions from the review of previous analysis and research reports is that the
    basic practices of adult education evolved during the first two decades of transition are still
    very dominant in today’s functioning of adult education. The possible current chances of adult
    education are not yet exploited neither in regional policy planning nor in regional development
    practice. There are further research and development tasks and opportunities in adult education.

  • Preferred leadership style, leadership and entrepreneurial inclination among university students

    Although many researches have been conducted on leadership styles and university students
    are participants in exploratory social science research quite frequently, fewer examples can be
    found on the application of the Full Range Leadership model among the youth. In this article,
    the authors examine preferred leadership styles among Hungarian students, and map their
    connections with managerial and entrepreneurial inclination. The online questionnaire used inthe research was completed by university students studying economics, technology and social
    studies in the capital and beyond. The questionnaire was completed by 335 university students.
    The results are exploratory, and they seem to modify the existing typologies. Four distinct
    leadership styles could be observed within the target group, embodying the transformative,
    supportive, defensive, and laissez-faire leadership types. Based on multivariate analysis one may
    suppose that among students leadership willingness is positively connected to transformative
    leadership, while entrepreneurial inclination to the transformative and supportive styles.

  • Equal opportunities at work? Equal opportunities and legal protection in the labour market

    The study examines the realization and the development of legal protection of equal opportunities
    in the labour market. The purpose of the research is to identify the most common problems
    related to the violation of equal opportunities during the period since the Equal Treatment
    Authority began its work.
    The study explores whether types of discrimination can be identified, which are the most
    prominent and which are the most disadvantaged characteristics of the labour market in
    Hungary today. The correlations discovered demonstrate that although regulation of the legal
    background has greatly facilitated the awareness of individuals in this field, there is a need to
    create further forums of discussion to achieve measurable results.

  • The situation of young people in the Derecske district in terms of employment and job opportunities

    The situation of young people, their chances and opportunities on the labour market are of paramount importance for society, as they are the next generation. In this paper, we present the situation, labour market opportunities and mobility of young people in the Derecske district, based on data from a 2012 survey. Young people's access to work and mobility are nowadays much debated issues that deeply affect the whole society. We focus on the prospects of young people with a degree.

    Research on young people, youth research, is very significant in our country.

    From time to time, the situation of young people undergoes fundamental changes: they reach adulthood earlier than previous generations, but at the same time they are also delayed in their youth, i.e. they start the process of separating from their parents later. This phenomenon of postponement is called postadolescence. On the one hand, they are still children (in terms of their behaviour, values and lifestyle), and on the other hand, they are already adults (in terms of their political and economic situation) (Vaskovics, 2000; Gábor, 2012).

  • Where is the truth? – Greek catholic high school youth’s justice values

    The purpose of our study is to present what young people think about justice, and how they
    are different from the youth and society of the country. The functioning of a society requires
    that fair conditions prevail in it. However, there are several types of justice. What young people,
    as adults of the future, think about this value is essential for the functioning of a society. We
    present philosophical interpretations and value sociological research on justice, then we define
    the concept of justice for Hungarian society and Hungarian youth. In our research we asked all
    eleventh and twelfth students of a Greek Catholic high school in Eastern Hungary in 2014 and
    2019. Quantitative method was used to compare students’ views on justice with the other young
    people in the country. According to our results during the five years of research, equality was
    more important for young people, especially for the boys. The importance of the value of equality
    was clearly related to the religiosity of the asked young people.

  • Self-contained child protection – possible ways to open up

    The aim of the research, based on a qualitative methodology, is to gain an understanding of
    whether external/affiliated services are provided in child protection system targeting parents or
    children and young people with child protection problems. The aim is to examine the extent of a
    service focused and innovative approaches in child protection, where is the place and what is the
    role of civil services. The study, which based on 15 expert interviews, argues that child protection
    is currently characterised by many dysfunctions, as a self-contained and isolated sub-system of
    social policy, which not only fails to deliver the basic objectives of child protection in practice, but
    in many cases hides structural deficiencies and systemic anomalies. There is a need to explore
    new ways of child protection, including the use of volunteering, the services of civil organizations
    and broad partnerships.

  • Child protection in light of the Theory of Change

    It is essential that the child’s individual needs determine the required services and how these can give adequate responses to children’s problems. In Hungary, the child protection system is driven by less established professional principles, service planning and provision are of an ad hoc nature, child protection services lack any conscious design. The present study is based upon main qualitative results obtained from the research subject of “Is the State a Good Parent?”. Our goal is to reveal how the child’s needs are met in the system of the Hungarian child protection services (institutional and foster care), in what way the system can serve best the interests of the child, what systemic flaws can be identified according to child protection experts opinion.

  • The EU states innovation and competitiveness clusters in 2013

    In the era of the innovation economy it is natural that innovation is one of the key definitions, because of its literature is excessively far-reaching: global, micro and macro level, in connection of
    the business and non-business sector, it’s also defined in social context. The literary background
    of this essay shows a historical overview of the development that occurred in the definition of
    innovation and its different interpretations.
    After exploring the literary background a quantitative, descriptive and explanatory statistic
    analysis will be written in a monothetic and deductive approach. In this phase of my research
    I will make macro level international comparative analyzes with the help of the EU and the
    WEF (World Economic Forum) data base (Innovation Union Scoreboard, illetve Global Competitiveness Index), and the SPSS software. This essay’s goal is to determine whether there is a
    connection between innovation processes and the forming of competitiveness on a macro level
    and if there is how it can be interpreted. Later with a similar goal and methodology I would like
    to make international micro level comparative analyzes and then by combining the macro and
    micro level results, I will determine how the macro level innovation policy influences the micro
    level innovativeness and competitiveness. Using all of these results I would like to determine the
    special features of the national innovation policy and the chances for optimalization.

  • Reconfiguration in Post Euromaidan symbolic landscape: comparison of Kyiv and Transcarpathia

    The relation between power and public space has been one of the main interest of geographical
    research in the last decades (Massey 1994, Mitchell 2003). Researches have illustrated that
    following a regime change, the symbolic space of the city – compiled of street names, statues
    and monuments – usually gets reconfigured. Following the Euromaidan, in 2015, the laws on
    decommunization were accepted in Ukraine, which disposed more comprehensibly than ever before the banishment of Communist symbols from the public space. The decommunization
    besides toponymy, entangled other elements of public space resulting in major shifts the urban
    landscape as well.
    Main interest of present paper is to study the major shifts in symbolic landscape in the capital,
    Kyiv and compare it to the processes that have taken place in the westernmost periphery of the
    country, Transcarpathia. Based on the examples of Uzhhorod, Berehove raion and Berehove, our
    further aim is to shed light on the role of locality and how local memory is represented in public

  • Analysis of the space-based identity structure of rural elite in a region of Szeklerland

    The new challenges of rural areas support expansion of the range of professional research and
    analysis focusing on local or regional identity structures as a quality factor of development.
    These new approaches are particularly important in the rural areas of the post-socialist
    countries, which are in the initial stages of the recognition of the potential inherent in the
    endogenous development paradigm. In Szeklerland, according to the new rural development
    paradigm, place-based identity could be a potential for the sustainable development. The aim
    of my paper is to present the major dimensions of the place-based identity structure in a microregion of Szeklerland.

  • Teaching methods among primary school students during the Covid-19 epidemic

    The research focuses on the effects of the Covid-19 epidemic among primary school children, the transformations of the educational framework, within the study focuses on pedagogical perspectives. Mandatory online education frameworks have drawn attention to the differences between classroom lessons and digital teaching, the background dimensions of the teaching profession, which can also be interpreted as challenges in today’s education system. Accordingly, the study reflects the social and mental problems generated by the pandemic, the digitalisation that has become necessary in the field of education, the difficulties in the delivery of curricula affecting teachers, that is the pedagogical state of emergency and quarantine pedagogy. A pedagogical database teaching in small and large cities provides a basis for changes in teaching methods (n = 12). As a result, they have been able to present school-specific cases of online education, efforts to deliver digital learning materials, along with the difficulties in many cases and the innovations that can be incorporated later.

  • Career planning and competences assessment among university students

    Planning a career cannot be started soon enough. The determination of following a
    career path preceded by significant decisions and aims. Several pieces of research are
    dedicated to the affiliation of young adults self-awareness and career paths in terms of
    seeking work. University students rarely have the appropriate amount of self-knowledge.
    Nowadays in the labour market beside the qualification, competencies are growing in importance. It is crucial to have certain communication, integration and strategic
    skills to successfully find a quality job. The University of Debrecen provides a wide
    variety of available services regarding individual job search support or consultation
    and the commitment of a career path. The surveyed university students valued the
    importance of these services and competencies related to improving the finding of a
    job after graduation. The conformity between the knowledge of the available services
    and the required and existing skills could be helpful in the labour market after getting
    the university degree. The questionnaire was filled out by students from the University
    of Debrecen and valued by the IBM SPSS Statistics programme.

  • Through the screen of the majority ...: Public opinions on the social situation of Roma and their media representation

    This paper presents the results of a questionnaire survey on public opinion on the social situation of Roma and their media coverage. The survey was based on the attitudes of the population towards the Roma, their perceptions and prejudices, and their perceptions of the media coverage of the Roma.

  • Hungarian Academics Working Abroad: Female and Male Career Paths

    Transnational mobility has not only become an integral part of the successful, internatonally driven career path of academics, but is emerging to a great extent as a major performance requirement. Similarly to academic careers in general, international mobility of researchers is also a gendered process to a great extent. This paper aims to assess the most important characteristics of Hungarian researchers working abroad with special attention put on the similarities and differences identified in the career path of female and male researchers. With an online self-administered questionnaire distributed through a snowball sampling methodology
    among Hungarian PhD-holders working abroad for more than one year, we investigated the motivation for international mobility, the career path, work contracts, work-life balance, future career plans and the perception of the value of the PhD degree. Our key findings indicate that male researchers’s labour market position is more advantageous abroad than female researchers’ and overall they are more convinved of the positive value of their PhD degree, while female academics were statisfied, but at a more moderate level.