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  • A göttingeni tudáseszmény hatása a 18. századi magyarországi és erdélyi orvoslás területén
    Megtekintések száma:

    The Impact of the Götti ngen Ideal of Knowledge in the Area of Healing with Reference to Hungary and Transylvania in the 18th Century. This study offers a brief outline of the process through which the medical faculties of the German universities caught up with the leading medical schools of the continent in the 18th century. The paradigm shifts associated with the foundation of the medical faculty at Halle in the first half of the 18th century also manifested themselves in other German medical faculties: at the
    universities of Strasbourg, Göttingen, Vienna, etc. The most important reformist tendencies, as well as the teacher personalities who made it possible for these tendencies to be realized, are also discussed. It is primarily the Göttingen reforms of the second half of the 18th century that are given a comprehensive discussion. In the second part of the paper the studies and professional activities—including their respective scientific work—of about two dozen medical students from Hungary and Transylvania are given well substantiated treatment.

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