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    Eco Currently we witness the exciting period in life of the esports, which seems to have received considerable attention even among this extraordinary season caused by the COVID-19. Although referring to the status of games (way of sports), such as Fortnite, DOTA2, Overwatch, LOL, etc together with its competitions, competitors and its follow up became quite common, the profession so far seems to neglect dealing with the social and organizational background of that, also with the development possibilities. The methodology of this essay is, through secondary analysis made during the discussion of the professional literature, is empirical qualitative interview method, which was carried out among professional organizations, sportsmen, and by doing this we sought to answer the question: What is the current national state of this sport, what difficulties, prospects characterize even individuals and organizations in this sphere, also including social specifications. Results point out that numerous changes should be desirable equally from the organizational and social side.

  • Aids of the civil society organizations

    During our research we examined the position of civil society organizations. We collected various forms of civil union aids and we gathered the concepts and crules of fundraising. We were curious about what are the main sources of revenue, especially for the civil society organizations, that are located in Jasz-Nagykun-Szolnok county; which are the most common fundraising strategies; how permanent donation is typical these days; and the proportion of the 1 percent offered from the personal income tax in the income sources. The Hungarian experience shows that the smaller organizations can rarely apply for support. Even if they can apply for a grant, the implementation or transact meet with difficulties. This is why we think, that the government is able to change that with a reform of the granting system, giving help for the non-governmental organisations in need.

  • Characteristics of retention management in the light of domestic research experience

    Recent changes, both in the macro and micro environment, have challenged organisations in recruiting and retaining staff. The aim of this paper is to explore and analyse the key factors that affect staff retention.  It also aims to explore the specificities of the domestic labour market and the retention management practices of companies. In order to identify and collect these factors, I conducted a systematic literature review in Google Scholar, MTMT, Web of Science and the Online Encyclopedia of Public Service databases, examining studies published between 2020. and 2023. Based on the research findings, I believe that prioritizing the well-being of employees is key to workforce retention. It is important to create a constructive, supportive work environment where employees can enjoy their work and feel valued and well treated. They should also receive regular feedback on their work, feel satisfied with the working environment, and have the opportunity to work as part of a team, develop professionally and have opportunities for career progression.


    There are 11 larger fitness clubs in Debrecen, where group training also appears as a service. These fitness centers can be identified as the leading fitness providers in the city based on this services, their area size and their machine park. We performed an economic analysis of these fitness providers based on their annual report data. Finally, the data of the balance sheets and income statements of 9 fitness service providers were collected, with the help of these statements we analyzed the wealth, financial and income situation of the examined organizations. It can be stated that the balance sheet of the examined fitness clubs is in line with their profile, ie investments in real estate and machinery dominate, which can often be realized by relying on external sources. In this context, there is a risk of indebtedness, which calls the attention of these large fitness centers in Debrecen to take the necessary steps to improve both their profitability and financial stability in the future.

  • The Features of the Development of Rural Tourism in Russia

    Rural tourism in Russia is determined by established traditions, the peculiarities of the agricultural sector and share of rural population in total population.
    The National Association of rural tourism organizations has been created in Russia. Rural tourism clusters have also been created as a basis for developing infrastructure. The government supports the projects of small and medium-sized businesses with subsidies and preferential loans with the creation of a tourism cluster. However, the problem of information security, the standardization of the service and the evaluation of service quality in rural tourism, transport accessibility, training of qualified personnel have not been solved yet.

  • Verseghy Circle, a Civil Organization in Szolnok

    The Verseghy Circle was established 20 years ago, on 26 November 1993, in Szolnok. The associati on is preserving the cult of Ferenc Verseghy (1757-1820) scholar-poet, nati ve of Szolnok. It also assists and tends to events and acti viti es related to him. Besides traditi ons of language and literature, it also promotes other arts and disciplines. Based on the creati vity of the members, it seeks to explore and promote the values of Szolnok, with very special tools. Thus,
    it strengthens the identi ty and patrioti sm of the inhabitants of Szolnok. The Verseghy Circle is a voluntary NGO, which organizes scienti fi c meeti ngs, local studies and inaugural lectures for its local patriot membership and the general public. This paper is the account of the past two decades by one of the founders, the oldest member of the Circle.


    Technical and economic professionals have to expect serious challenges if they want to take the insurance of the sustainable development of the natural environment into co nsideration. Apart from the professional difficulties they especially have to prepare for the fact that mainly the proponents of ecology make their work difficult. They have to hold their ground in the field of force where the politicians of green organiza tions and the environmental science are dead set
    against each other. Further on we do not intend to get entangled in this incoherent system of relations. We would rather look into its ethical connections and the history of its origin.


    In our today's modern society, the ability to handle economic and financial issues is becoming increasingly important. This is true for investment and banking professionals, but it is true for everyone who has to make responsible decisions in their daily lives, including young adults. The ability to make a good decision is commonly referred to as economic competence, economic literacy, or financial literacy. Defining and measuring financial literacy has long been cared by private, business and public institutions and organizations, both nationally and internationally. Financial education has already started in Hungary, in different sectors, with different actors. The education and upbringing have an undisputed role of in this, in my view, the younger we start it, the more effective it is. In this study, we review the possible definition of the concept of financial literacy, the status in Hungary and the development path.