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  • Crime Preventi on, Victi m Support, Youth Defence in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County

    In 2003 the Hungarian Parliament emphasised the importance of preventi on by the elaborati on, the discussion and the adopti on of the Nati onal Crime Preventi on Strategy. The prioriti es of the strategy are as follows: the reducti on of child crime and juvenile delinquency, the increase in the safety of citi es, the preventi on of domesti c violence and victi m support and the preventi on of repeat victi mizati on. In order to achieve these goals, the County’s insti tuti ons have to be able to achieve an eff ecti ve collaborati on. Crime preventi on is primarily not a police task, but rather the responsibility of social insti tuti ons, child and youth welfare insti tuti ons, and last but not least the potenti al victi m’s own responsibility.