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  • Health factor in food consumption

    Consumer lifestyle and health are relevant factors to understanding consumption preferences. In the last few decades the number of lifestyle diseases has dramatically increased. The main cause for these diseases is the change in lifestyle; including a lack of attention to physical activity and good nutrition. Health and lifestyle are important factors by purchase decision process. In accordance with these, I examine the consumer behaviour toward soft drinks with special regards to healthy lifestyle and the state of health. My examinations can be considered mainly as a
    qualitative research, which can serve as a basis for further analyses and research, however, the conclusions and experience gained from it are worthy of consideration. I differentiated five soft drink categories: ice tea, carbonated soft drinks, fruit juices, mineral waters, sport and energy drinks and studied the consumer behaviour toward them. The study focuses on the consumption of these and the factors influencing their purchase with special regards to lifestyle.

  • The Poultry Industry through the Experts’ Eyes

    In my study reveal the situation of the poultry industry. In my research, I used the regularly adopted qualitative method, i.e. the interview. I conversed with the managers of the most important poultry factories, and asked them about the position of the Hungarian poultry sector, the possibility of improving its position, the changes in consumer behaviour, in marketing strategies, means and methods.
    The managers talked about the necessity of collaborating between factories. They agreed on the dominance of commercial chains. In their opinion, these prejudice their chances. They emphasized about the increasing role of processed products and the growing number of sell-stimulated marketing means. The consumer behaviour has changed in the last 10 years too, which helps the market of processed poultry products.

  • New and innovative consumer demands and expectations on the Hungarian food market

    Food and eating have always encompassed more than the simple intake of nutrients; therefore, when thinking about food consumption, we need to examine several groups of influencing factors whose correlations from the aspect of the consumer are described by a complicated matrix. This paper focuses on the selection of signs indicating new and innovative consumer behaviours, and on the megatrends that are the driving forces of transitions and that lead to the consequences of strikingly reconsidered consumer decisions nowadays. The authors stress that there are qualitative and structural changes in food consumption in Hungary, with an increasing quantity of differentiated consumer demands appearing, a few of them influencing our everyday decisions even at
    the concept level. The findings of primary research originated from a personal questionnaire survey consisting of 2001 respondents, in which we also focused on the attitude towards eating and media consumption related to gastronomy.
    This paper is an introduction to the market segments detectable in the present Hungarian population aged 15–74 in the topics concerned. 

  • The effect of the supply chain exerting physical stress on the microbiological status of bottled natural mineral water

    Mineral water consumption increased dramatically in the last 30 years. One reason for this change lies in the changing consumer behaviour: consumers are increasingly recognizing the importance of healthy nutrition and appreciate the beneficial nutritional physiological properties of mineral water. Local mineral water harmonizes well with imported waters. Bottled mineral water may travel several hundred kilometres until it reaches consumers. In the present study, the dynamic mechanical vibration caused by transporting on public roads was simulated in laboratory vibration tests then samples were subjected to microbiological examinations in compliance with legislations currently in force. Due to this vibration, the initial microbe count increased by two orders of magnitude, while after terminating the 4-hour mechanical action it decreased gradually. Growing dynamics of microbes constituting the total germ count at 22 °C and 37 °C were almost similar.

  • Pricing in the pig production

    During my research work I will exame the state of pig production and the pigmeat trade in Hungary as well as in the EU. In this article I am looking at this branch, I plan to ask consumers about this topic. There is no point in importing pork if there is no market for it. The reality is that we like what is new, unusual and different. What lies behind this way of thinking?
    Everybody agrees, consumer habits differ culturally, and this is true in European countries as well. I find it interesting to examine what parts of the pig are favoured the most by consumers in certain countries. As habits are different we can say that certain countries prefer pork chops while on other countries’ menus pork knuckles can be found. If we follow this train of thought it becomes apparent that due to these differences the price of pork varies from country to country.
    According to figures, it is clear that certain countries are able to produce pork products cheaper. Since market works on the principle of supply and demand, those who offer their products cheaper will have a greater chance of remaining in this sector. Those on the other hand who can only produce their products at a higher price will eventually disappear from the market. The price is determined by the rate of the forint to the euro. Today’s strong forint is leading to the growth in imports. Recently, pork exports have fallen, but if the rate were to be 280 forints as it has been in the past, then it would be more favourable to sell pork products.
    As Hungarian prices are high, meat processing companies are forced to import from neighbouring countries, which means a cheaper source of product. This has led to a decrease in the number of pig in Hungary meaning that we are now an overall importer of pork products rather than an exporter.