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The aggregate stability of the soil in respect to the uniform aggregate stability indicator
83-99Views:107Soil structure and its quality are fundamental properties because they control many processes in soils. Tillage, crop and other factors influence soil structure. Efficient protection of it needs indication of changes in soil structure. A new Normalized Stability Index proposed by Six et al. (2000) tries to evaluate these changes, which was compared with some former used indices. The most common method (wet sieving) was modified to reduce the confounding effects of different particle size distribution of different soil types and method used to the investigation. Changes in soil structure caused by tillage and crop management therefore have been made quantitative and comparable. In this paper, we review the new method and Normalized Stability Index proposed by Six et al. (2000) and present the results of our investigations.
Assessing of soil aggregate stability: the sand-correction and its relevance
29-47Views:120Soil structure and changes in its quality caused by Maize stem (1), Wheat straw (2) and Maize stem & wheat straw (3) addition were assessed by three aggregate-stability indices. We observed that the NSI index formula proposed by Six et al. (2000) was nonsensitive to the changes in soil structure caused by the investigated organic matter addition. Furthermore it overestimates the aggregate-stability of the investigated silty sandy loam soil. Therefore we proposed a new modified NSI formula which is sensitive to the questionable treatments and that resulted in a more
realistic NSI data. The most sensitive index to differences of the investigated treatments were the Mean weight diameter (MWD) proposed by van Bavel (1953, in Kemper és Rosneau, 1986). -
Effect of crop residues on soil aggregate stability
23-32Views:103Soil structure may be improved by adding readily decomposable organic matter. The extent of amelioration depends on the chemical build-up and decomposability of the crop residues. Three different kinds of organic matters were investigated: (1) maize stem, (2) wheat straw, and (3) maize stem
& wheat straw. Comparing the aggregate stabilizing effects of the differently decomposable organic matters to each other, the expected maize stem & wheat straw (mw) > maize stem (m) > wheat straw (w) order was proved.