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  • Effectivity indicators in the German agriculture from the 1990s till today

    Almost fifteen years have passed since the reunification of Germany. At the beginning of the 1990s, it was still unclear how the agricultural sector in the former East Germany would be able to survive, as it was still characterized by large scale farms, organized for a socialist economy. The course of this essay will look at how the agricultural productivity has changed the two different productivity systems in the western and eastern part of Germany.
    Productivity can be defined as output produced per unit of input. If we define productivity indicator as output per one type of inputs then we get so-called partial productivity index, however, if we define productivity indicator as output produced per unit of more than one inputs we get multi-factor productivity.
    In agriculture, the most often used partials productivity indexes are: labour, capital, land productivity and intermediate consumption productivity.
    The analysis of total factor productivity requires the aggregation of all inputs by using input prices.

  • Comparative analysis of the transformation of Hungarian and East German agriculture

    Agriculture, and within it, the development and later transformation of the cooperative system shows many similarities between Hungary and the Eastern German provinces. A few examples can be mentioned, such as the mistrust against the notion of cooperation, the forced development of the cooperatives and, as an occupied territory, the influence of the Soviet Union. Similar issues emerged in both countries’ agriculture and the measures taken were also alike. Similar social, economic processes and changes were started at the end of the 1980s (1989/90) and these had a significant effect on the areas that serve as a basis for this study.