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Opportunities of utilization of real-time ultrasound technique in beef cattle breeding
45-52Views:127The goal of the authors was to evaluate the repeatability and accuracy of real-time ultrasound technique under Hungarian conditions. Ribeye area was measured at first time on live animals, before the day of slaughtering with Falco 100 ultrasound equipment in Charolais fattening bulls. Ultrasound pictures were traced at two times by the same operator. After slaughtering, ribeye area (REA) was measured on the carcass by planimeter at the same anatomical point like ultrasound measurements. Statistical analysis was carried out to examine the relationship between carcass and ultrasound REA. After it, repeatabilty was established by comparing the ultrasound pictures twice.
The age and the growth of the european weather loach (Misgurnus fossilis)
37-44Views:163The possibilities of examination the growth of fish species are verry difficult, and much of methods are oblique. With the weather loach is the work especially complicated through the small scales. Till now the growth of weather loach is in Hungary unexamined.
We applied self developed catch method in three explored channel. The length and weight measured on the fishes alive, as well the sexing. We analysed the datas with Bertalanffy-method.
The growth of the fishes is different, but the growth of the body length was nearly the same in the three channels. The one year old fishes can growth to a maximum of 130-140 millimeters, the two years old fishes can growth to maximum of 180-190 millimeters. Longer fishes by 180-190 millimeters are 3 or more years old. The data of sex-ratio is deviant than the literature wroted. The fish from Fényes are growing faster, than the others. This species can be 190-200 millimeters long after 2 years from birth. It is a very fast growing. -
Ovarian performance of Barbados Blackbelly and Dorper crossbred ewes in the mirror of body conditions
23-26Views:97The aim of examination was to detect the puberty and to follow the ovarian cycle of Barbados Blackbelly×Dorper ewes in connection with their body conditions and the effects of meteorological parameters. The blood samples had been taken from 17th of November 2008 untill 08th of June 2009 for analyzing the progesteron concentrations, establishing whether they showed perpetual ovarian performance or not. The end of examination
was timed due to releasing the ram in middle of May 2009.
The daily avarage bodyweight-growth is well featured by the bodyweight tendence. The body conditions were evaluated by ultrasound tissue examination.
During the full length of the examination the avarage daily temperature, the avarage humidity level and also the number of daily sunlighted hours were served by the Agrometeorological Observatory of the University of Debrecen.
The bodyweight tendence and the meteorological parameters were correlated to the breeding season of ewes. In conclusion the bodyweights and their tendences at the young age and the body condition parameters measured at certain anatomical areas can influence the length of the breeding season of the ewes. However the number of daily avarage sunlighted hours, the daily avarage temperature and also the humidity did not effect the cyclic ovarian perfomance of the Barbados Blackbelly×Dorper ewes in Hungary. -
Examination of repeatability of ultrasound scanning technique in young bulls
43-48Views:146The author’s goal with the methodology examination was to determine repeatability of taking and evaluating ultrasound images. In the trial an operator person took two images about the ribeye area and rump fat thickness (P8) of every young bull, which were measured by the same person in four repetitions. Also, we had altogether eight images about the same part of the body. Images were collected using Falco 100 (Pie Medical) real-time ultrasonic scanner equipped with an ASP 3,5 MHz, 18 cm linear array transducer.