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  • Field Vegetable Production in Hungary

    Hungary is a country with excellent ecological potentials and with rich traditions in vegetable production. The total vegetable production area comprises about 100 000 ha and annual production amounts to 1.4-1.8 million tons, 75-80% comes from fields and the rest from forcing. Approximately 40 species are produced, but only 20 of them play a dominant role. The most important ones arc: sweet corn, peas, peppers, watermelon, onions, tomatoes, gherkin, carrots, beans, white cabbage.

    40-45% of the total production is processed, 20-30% sold on the fresh market and 30% exported.

    Vegetable production is based on rural farms of 1-5 ha average acreage. It provides living for about 70-100 000 families. The low number of producers' organisations is a major setback.

    Profitability of vegetable production is rather low. Production costs are high, wholesale prices are depressed.

    Vegetables are produced for the industry by contract. Fresh vegetables are sold through local markets (15-20%), the wholesale market (decreasing importance) and direct marketing (35-40%).

    Against the self-sufficiency of the country there is a seasonal import of vegetables mainly in winter and early springtime.

    Hungarian legal regulations are harmonized with the EU directives, EU standards are accepted and applied, traditionally good market connections and cooperation with several EU countries enable the country to be a partner of EU vegetable growers.

  • Role of wholesale markets in fresh fruit and vegetable distribution in Hungary

    The primer function of fruit and vegetable wholesale markets — which was the physical concentration of supply and demand previously — is changing gradually as consumer habits change and logistics functions (e.g. product manipulation, redistribution without the physical presence of the product) become more important with the technical development. Mainly individual growers sell their product to retailers at the Hungarian regional producers' markets and the Budapest Wholesale market on NagykOrosi Street, which is the largest wholesale market in Hungary regarding area, produce arrival and turnover. Parallel to the establishment of Producers' Organisations (P0) their market presence should be urged in selling their produce and also in ownership — and decision-making procedure — of the markets. The produce auction system and the on-line sales experiences of New Jersey State (USA) can contribute to the investigation of development possibilities and realization of development of Hungarian wholesale markets.