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  • The vegetable production programme

    The authors' collective when drawing up the development of the vegetable branch emphasizes the supposition that

    • in the future the domestic products will be overwhelming on the home market,
    • a significant quantity of commodities will be exported into neighbouring countries,
    • we may be continuously present at the EU market.

    All these conditions can be based only on strong state assistance.

  • In vitro comparative study of two Arundo donax L. ecotypes’ selenium tolerance

    Selenium tolerance of two somatic embryo-derived Arundo donax L. ecotypes (Blossom, 20SZ) were compared in in vitro culture. Sodium-selenate (1 – 100 mg L-1) as known the most phytoavailable selenium form and the less studied red elemental nanoselenium (100 mg L-1) were applied as selenium treatments. Basis on the results Blossom ecotype seemed to be more sensitive to the sodium-selenate than 20SZ. Inhibiting effect of selenate was effectuated above 10 mg L-1 in case of Blossom, which was manifested in decreased survival rate and growing parameters. Contrast to this 20SZ could tolerate the selenate ≤ 20 mg L-1 without any toxic symptoms. Lower selenate tolerance of Blossom could be explained with higher selenium accumulation. Both of two ecotypes could also uptake and accumulate the red elemental nanoselenium however in much less extent compared to selenate.

  • Investigation of some production factors on yield and quality of dry beans

    The correlation between plant density and yield average shows that the volume of yield increases in varieties of large and medium-size seeds up to a plant density of 285-400 thousand/ha, after which it declines.

    On the basis of the results, yield averages at plant densities of 285-334 thousand plant/ha are 0.17 t/ha higher than those achieved at low density (200 thousand plant/ha).

    High levels of potassium fertilizer did not enhance the yield of dry beans. With adequate-water supply the high level of potassium decreased the number of pods and seeds per plant compared with a basic level of fertilizer, which could ensure 2.5 t/ha yield.