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  • Grape rootstock - scion interactions on shoot growth and cane maturing

    Interaction between the rootstock and scion varieties (clones) was examined. Berlandieri x Riparia T. K. 5BB, Berlandieri x Riparia T.5C being the most widely used varieties in Hungary, Fercal, Ruggeri 140 being recently used on special soil conditions ; Georgikon 28 a new established variety and Berlandieri x Riparia T. 8B GK 10 clone were the rootstocks used. The V. vinifera L. varieties were a clone of Italian Riesling and two new hybrids from the same cross population f ( Noble Italian Riesling X Ezerjó) X ( Noble Italian Riesling X Pinot Gris ) }. This study presents the results how the growth habit depends on different scion/stock combinations in the first three years.

    Shoot growth characters were observed during the initial years after plantation in the vineyard until we got the first yields. Our results did not agree with those of Pospisilova (1977) that the anticipated vigour of shoot growth will appear later in the vineyard only. However we agree with Zimmerman (1970), who showed that the differences are caused by the rootstocks in the growth habit of vines during the first two years already. The differences in shoot elongation decreased similarly to the rootstocks in the first year of fruit production. It shows us that the intense root development caused vigorous shoot growth, which we think to be a rootstock effect. When the vegetative and generative development are balanced already, the effect of scions in shoot elongation became stronger than the effect of rootstock.

    We also found great differences in the maturation of wood each year from planting of the vineyard to the year of fruit production.

    During the first years the differences of cane maturation were greater according to the scion varieties, the means were significantly different. In the first ripening year the differences dwindled or increased due to the rootstocks. This means that the effect of the rootstock on cane maturation became stronger in the first year of fruit production.


  • Seasonal root development of Cabernet sauvignon grafted on different rootstocks

    The minirhizotron system gives opportunity to study the root development without disturbing the soil and root. We have found certified differences in root development during the year 2013 among the rootstocks grafted on ‘Cabernet sauvignon’. The number of roots varied according to the rootstocks in different depth of soil layers and also varied the development of ripeness of the root system. We conclude that root system development is affected by soil physical and chemical properties, but differences according to the rootstock genotype on the similar type of soil exist.

  • Examinations of 600-year-old seeds by means of archaeobotanical and genetical methods

    About 600-year-old plant seeds were discovered in a well of a mediaeval cellar in the course of an excavation in Budapest. After the archaeobotanic purification seed of 16 species were found in large quantities. Seeds preserved in the best state were selected from each group. The existence of endosperm was analysed in these subfossils, which turned to be successful mainly in the case of grapes (Vitis vinifera) and cornels (Cornus mas). Seeds of these two species contained the most endosperm and remains of the embryo. DNA was extracted with the help of DNEasy Plant Mini Kit and analysed by RAPD-PCR method. The amplification of DNA extracted from cornel seeds resulted in detecting a 1500 by fragment, which makes the comparison of these samples with present-day cornels possible.

  • Quality improvement in viticulture and winery

    The author determines the development of the grape and wine production branches as a very cogent common task. Because of its importance this sector enables the livelihood of 100-150 thousand families and also of $ 80-100 million export income. A state subsidy is indispensable to the realization of that project. In the author's opinion on round 100 000 ha plantation area yearly 4-4.5 million hl wine can be produced, therefrom the export may amount to 1-1.3 million hl.

    Yearly 3000 ha vineyards should be planted in order to maintain the present production capacity.


  • The evaluation of grape vine decline pathogens in the experimental field of the Georgikon Faculty of Agriculture in Cserszegtomaj

    Vine decline causes important economic loss in viticulture, especially in longer view. Several causal pathogen were described lately, however little is known about the etiology or epidemiology of these pathogens on grapevine rootstock. It is well known that these diseases affect grafted and rooted grapevines and are not specific to any scion-rootstock combinations. Our aim was to determine what pathogens are presents in the experimental field, especially causal agents of the rootstock decline. Different grapevine rootstocks and scion varieties were tested in our trial. Isolations were made from the wood tissue and pathogenity tests were done with isolated Cylindrocarpon destructans. The possibility of infection during the propagation process was studied as well. Most commonly Cylindrocarpon sp. and Phomopsis sp. species were identified from the examined varieties. Cylindrocarpon destructans was able to spread to apical (shoot) and basal (root) direction from the point of infection with uneven speed. Callus development is not inhibited by the fungi causing the leaf symptom of the vine decline. Shoot development is reduced if unhealthy parts are grafted to each other.

  • Perspectives and tasks in horticultural production

    The work summarizes the prospective conceptions of all the five horticultural branches. These branches (vegetable, fruit, grape and wine, herb and ornamental plant production) with the production of propagating material together amount to round 30-35% of the total value of the entire plant production. The performance of horticultural branches declined significantly because of privatisation and lack of capital. The accession to the EU urges the development of modernization and competitiveness, therefore the state subsidies are indispensable.

  • Study on the yeast and mould biota of the botrytized grapes in Tokaj region in two years

    The famous wine Tokaji Aszú is produced from "noble rotted" grapes infected and modified by Botrytis cinerea under special condition. The objective of this study was quantitative and qualitative characterisation of saprophytic fungi present on the surface of aszú­berries, with special regard to yeasts. There were considerable differences in these populations depending on the origin of noble rotted berries, notably between berries taken from the vine or the ones taken from the winery. Beside Botrytis, other mould species like Penicillium, Aspergillus were commonly found, in widely varying population. Yeast counts were detected between 104 and 107 cfu/g berry. In the samples taken from the vineyard Candida pulcherrima predominated followed by some aerobic basidiomycetous species, but Hanseniaspora species were also present in relatively high population. After transport and storage of the grape in the wineries, population of aerobic yeasts and C. pulcherrima quickly declined and Candida stellata followed by other sugar tolerant species became dominant. This autoselection process directs attention to the importance of storage conditions.

  • Conventional PCR primers for the detection of grapevine pathogens disseminated by propagating material

    Polymerase chain reaction driven by sequence specific primers has become the most widely used diagnostic method to detect and identify plant pathogens. The sensitive and cost-effective pathogen detection is exceptionally important in the production of propagating material. In this paper we have collected primer sequence data from the literature for the detection of the most important grapevine pathogens disseminated by propagating stocks by conventional polymerase chain reaction. Basic protocols to obtain template nucleic acids have also been briefly rewieved.

  • Effect of water supply on nutrient transport in grapevine varieties

    The effect of water supply on availability of macro nutrient elements (N, P, K) by the plants in the soil and their transport in the plants were examined. In a field experiment two grapevine varieties characterized by higher (White Riesling B 7) and lower (Kövidinka K 8) water requirement were compared on the basis of N, P, K concentrations of leaf blades, petioles and berries. A different water supply of the vineyard was achived by striped coverage of the soil with plastic foil to exclude rainfalls from the beginning of May to ripening. Humidity of the soil decreased as the vegetative phase advanced. Soil cover resulted in 25-30% decrease of the water content in the soil at flowering but this difference gradually disappeared till veraison (i.e. the start of intense growth of the berries). The water consumption in the White Riesling B 7 plantation was more intensive. Mobility and availability of N, P, K in the soil was restricted by water exclusion (i.e. plastic soil cover) at flowering. Nitrogen was slightly affected, whereas P and K were in a higher extent. Comparing the transport of nutrient elements in the two varieties, leaf blades of Kövidinka K 8 contained less N and more P and K than White Riesling B 7 at flowering and more N and P and less K at ripening. Water deficiency inhibited K accumulation in the berries of White Riesling B 7, while this effect did not appear in Kövidinka K 8.Water exclusion decreased the yield of White Riesling B 7 already at lower bud loading, the yield of Kövidinka K 8 was affected only at higher bud loading. The higher yields of the treatments in Kövidinka K 8 plantation support the superior performance of this variety under the hot and dry climate of the Hungarian Great Plain.

  • Magyar alanynemesítés története és eredményei

    A filoxéra (Dactulosphaira vitifoliae (Fitch) európai megjelenése (1860) és pusztítása után több védekezési mód kipróbálása után az oltványkészítés vált a védekezés leghatékonyabb módszerévé. Ettő1 az időtől kezdve az alanyfajták használata a kötött talajú szőlők­ben nélkülözhetetlenné vált.

    Az alanyfajták használata es nemesítése az 1800-as évek végen Franciaországban (Millardet, Gaset, Courdec, Ganzin Pougnet, stb.), majd Olaszországban (Ruggeri, Paulsen stb.) kezdődött el. A múlt évszázad végen kezdődött hazánkban az alanynemesítés. Több szakember foglalkozott új alanyfajták előállításával. Ezek között Teleki Zsigmond pécsi szőlősgazda munkássága emelkedik ki, aki olyan alanyfajtákat állított elő, mint a Teleki 5C, a Teleki-Kober 5BB, a Teleki-Kober 125AA, a Teleki-Fuhr S.0.4 es a Teleki 10A. A Teleki hibridek a világ szőlőtermesztő országainak nagy részében megtálalhatók, előállításuk után száz év múlva világfajtákká váltak.

    Az 1970-es években Keszthelyen az Agrártudományi Egyetem Kertészeti Tanszékén Bakonyi Károly es munkatársai foglalkoznak új alany­fajta előállításával es szelektálásával. Munkájuk során több értékes klónt és új fajtát állítottak elő. A hibridek közül a Georgikon 28 alany­fajta erős növekedésével, nagy szárazság- es mésztűrésével tűnik ki. Magyarországon szabadalmi oltalomba részesítették es elkezdődött a felhasználása. Franciaországban a Richter cég szaporítja. Németországban a Geisenheimi Szőlészeti Kutató Intézet 2002-ben országos

    kísérletbe állította. Keszthelyen az alanynemesítést tovább folytatják, számos kiváló tulajdonsággal rendelkező hibridet értékelnek, amelyek közül néhányat (Georgikon 103, a Georgikon 59-et stb.) fajtaminősítésre bejelentenek.