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  • Simulation of BLDC Motor Drive Systems for Electric Vehicles Using Matlab Simulink
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    The defining scientific developments of our time would not have been possible without the use of simulations. The aim of the research is to create a simulation of a BLDC motor. When creating a simulation, great emphasis must be placed on defining the purpose of the simulation. This basically determines the structure and complexity of the model. The model discussed here was created so that an optimization task could be defined more precisely by inserting it as a sub-model into a vehicle dynamics model. Scalability was another aspect, that is, to be able to increase the accuracy of the model with measured data in the future, as well as to be able to validate it. During the research, a BLDC motor efficiency map generation program was created, as well as an environment for testing the generated data. The created system gives researchers the opportunity to use a shape-correct efficiency model when simulating a BLDC motor even without measured data. This makes it possible to discover real relationships between model parameters when performing optimization.

  • Járművek menetdinamikai szimulációs lehetőségei AVL Cruise M környezetben
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    A járműdinamikai szimulációk készítésekor a legtöbb esetben szükségünk van egy szoftverre, amellyel meggyorsíthatjuk a modell készítését és szimulációját. Erre a célra számos program van a piacon, azonban ezek eltérő tudással és felhasználói felülettel rendelkeznek. Cikkünkben röviden bemutatjuk a piac egyik vezető járműszimulációs szoftverének használatát, az AVL Cruise M-et.

  • Measuring the Dynamic Characteristics of Electric Motors
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    In our previous publications [1, 2], we described our vehicle dynamics simulation program which was developed in MATLAB environment. We also discussed its use for optimizing the technical parameters of electric driven vehicles. We detailed the model and simulation of the series wound DC motor which is part of the program. Besides, we described the experimental procedure by which we can determine the electromagnetic characteristics of the motor from the input parameters of the simulation program. In the present publication we deal with the determination of the dynamic characteristics of the motor (the moment of inertia of the rotor, bearing and brush resistance torques) experimentally. Knowing the above mentioned electromagnetic and dynamic characteristics, we can carry out the simulation of the motor and the results of the simulation can be compared to the results of the test measurements.

  • Simulation of Hot Rolling by Cellular Automata
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    Our research is focusing to one of the most complex and important production step of flat rolled products that is the simulation of hot rolling. During hot rolling two phenomena as work hardening and the process of regeneration of crystals has strong influence for physical properties of microstructure of aluminium alloys. It needs to be taken into account in case of rolling technology steps and development. When we talk about aluminium the dynamic softening in fact it is dynamic recovery that is followed by dynamic recrystallization. It goes in the same order of magnitude rate. But in steels the recovery has only a minor effect. Hot rolled and newly modified grain structure is influenced by these dynamic phenomena. Hot rolled grain structure goes through significant changes under further production steps like cold rolling and heat treatments. But aside from these intermediate production steps the microstructure that we get after hot rolling has significant effect for mechanical and grains structure of the final flat rolled product. Proper technology planning is essential that for cellular automata simulation method can ensure useable and good solution for the simulation of recrystallization.

  • Dinamikus tesztek soros gerjesztésű DC motoron. A motorral hajtott jármű fékezésének szimulációja
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    A következőkben bemutatjuk a járműdinamikai szimuláció szerepét és hozzájárulását a Debreceni Egyetem Műszaki Karán folytatott járműfejlesztésekhez. Ismertetjük a szimulációs program részét képező soros gerjesztésű egyenáramú motor szimulációjához szükséges bemenő műszaki paramétereket, azok meghatározásához kifejlesztett eljárást, valamint a motoron végzett dinamikus tesztméréseket, és azok eredményét. Továbbá bemutatjuk a motor által hajtott járműhöz kifejlesztett szimulációs program legújabb – a fékezés szimulációjával kibővített – változatát, valamint a program futtatásával kapott eredményeket.

  • Review of Modern Vehicle Powertrains and Their Modelling and Simulation in MATLAB/Simulink
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    Thanks to technological advances and environmental standards, as well as changing usage patterns, road vehicles are constantly developing. Electric and hybrid vehicles are playing an increasingly important role in today’s road transport. The most significant changes are probably in the powertrain of vehicles. The efficiency of internal combustion engines increases while their emissions continue to decline. In addition, high performance electric motors, batteries and even fuel cells play an increasingly important role in hybrid and electric vehicles. In this publication, we review the drive systems of current modern vehicles and the types and characteristics of their major components. We also review the available models and computer programs for their simulation, focusing mainly on MATLAB/Simulink applications. Based on this, we can develop our own models and simulation programs which will help us to perform different driving dynamics simulations and to compare the performance, dynamic and energetic characteristics of these powertrains and their components to each other.

  • Vehicle Dynamic Simulation Possibilities Using AVL Cruise M
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    In most cases, when creating vehicle dynamics simulations, we need software that can speed up model creation and simulation. There are many programs on the market for this purpose, but they have different knowledge and user interfaces. We present in this article briefly introduces the use of one of the market's leading vehicle simulation software, the AVL Cruise M.

  • Review on Construction Procedures of Driving Cycles
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    The goal of this paper is to give an overview of the literature of construction techniques of driving cycles. Our motivation for the overview is the future goal of constructing our own driving cycles for various types of vehicles and routes. This activity is part of a larger project focusing on determination of fuel and energy consumption by dynamic simulation of vehicles. Accordingly, the papers dealing with sample route determination, data collection and processing, driving cycle construction procedures, statistical evaluation of data are in our focus.

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