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  • Examining Drone Logistics Solutions in Retail

    The possibilities of using drones in transportation will be determined by the capabilities of drone technology, legislation, various advocacy and trade unions, and the degree of general acceptance. Technology and infrastructure are given, customer habits and needs are favourable, and emissions generated by packets moving between two points are growing steadily. Despite these favourable conditions, the effects of drone use should be thoroughly reviewed. The environmental impacts of the project were analyzed by PEST analysis and the main influencing factors were studied using the Porter model. Concluding our results based on questionnaire surveys and feasibility examinations of fast food delivery, it can be said that a system based on drones can efficiently be operated and cost-effective using round trips, however, the legal issues and uncertainties that arise in the delivery of drone hippers remain a very significant hindering factor for a long time.

  • Decision Support for Difficulties in a Furniture Manufacturing Company

    In “Decision support for difficulties in a furniture manufacturing company” titled work we are presenting in detail the operation of a particular furniture company and the difficulties encountered during its operation, which they try to overcome in some way so that they do not hinder the operation of the company. After that, we will show how we wanted to achieve the production support system. In different versions, we detail what we actually wanted to accomplish while showing results that illustrate the evolution of the system. We also present the difficulties of the development, which is made in Java. We also present the latest version of the system and its results. After processing the input parameters, the system is able to produce results using scheduling algorithms that can help in making important decisions during production planning.

  • Framework of Industry 4.0 Technologies

    The increasing competition and globalization have changed the micro- and macro environment of companies worldwide. The number 4.0 marks the fourth industrial revolution, bringing information technology and automation closer together leading to fundamental changes in production methods. It is not only about the penetration of technology but also about the paradigm shift in business processes. Industry 4.0 is becoming a daily reality for domestic companies as well, giving rise to the era of high-level interaction among production resources and different players. Industry 4.0 will transform the structure of production and change global competitiveness giving enterprises new opportunities to create added value. In my study I presented the concept of Industry 4.0, its framework and innovative technologies. I described the intelligent logistics solutions and the most important advantages of Industry 4.0. Essentially, the use of these tools include in addition to the explosive development of industry the digitalisation of the entire economy affecting society as a whole. It is of great importance that small and medium-sized enterprises also respond to new technological opportunities otherwise will significantly lagging behind in the digital transition.

  • Analysis of Abrasion of Hot Metal Powder Spray Coated Layer

    By the application of the tradicional overhead welding and the different powder coating technologies results a new surface with improved abrasion resistance, we can optimize the dimensions of the part or we can rebuild some surface as a kind of repairing technology. By application of this technology we can avoid the replacement of the total expensive parts of the structure. Opposite to the tradicional overhead welding in this case there will be diffusion connection between the raw material and the surface coating, this connection type shows several positive properites. Our goal is to investigate the abrasion resistance of the coating. In this article we would like to introduce our results of the abrasion test by apllication of different powder coatings.

  • Investigation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Usage in the Business Relations of the Agri-Food Econ

    Small and medium-sized enterprises are the engines of Europe's economy. This is demonstrated by the European Small Enterprises Charta, adopted in 2000, and by the fact that this sector employs more than 90 million people. Appropriate information and communication technology is essential to maintain their ability to function effectively and competitively. They need to know how to use these technologies for their smoot growth in productivity. The purpose of our study is to assess the regional ICT penetration of the Hungarian SME sector and compare this to that of the EU Member States.

  • Effect of the Changes in Bulk Density and Granulometric Properties on the Strength Properties of the Moulding Sand Mixtures

    Foundry technology uses a lot of several natural materials. Sands use for preparing mixtures whereby making moulds or cores. Sand is defined as a granular, refractory major portion of mixture (90 – 98% in dependence on used binder). Sand properties depend on it has chemical and mineralogical composition; mainly particle size distribution and shape of grains and its size and sand surface texture. A comparative measurement of two quartz sand with different surface quality was carried out. Greensand mixtures were prepared to measure their permeability, compressive strength and wet tensile strength. The strength of sand mixtures has two main components. One of them is the cohesion of the binder; the other one is the adhesion between the binder and the foundry sand. The aim of this research is to determine the ratio of cohesion and adhesion within the strength values.

  • Exploring the Role of Emotions and Moods in Decision Making: Study on the Use of Structured Decision Approach and Intuition

    Emotions and moods can play a significant role in the decision making. The present paper contest this point by providing evidence on the two important approaches used in decision making that is structured decision approach and intuition. For this purpose data was gathered from 150 respondents in two different groups. Chi square test, independent sample t-test and logistic regression analysis were used to test the hypothesis. The results of the study reveal that individuals with positive and negative mood state vary significantly in their use of structured decision approach and intuition. The individuals with negative mood state are more likely to use all steps of structured decision approach as compared to the individuals in the positive mood state. The results of the study further reveal that the individual’s emotional state significantly predicted the use of structured approach and intuition in decision making.

  • Temporal Changes of Pyrite Oxidation Rate in Bolivian Sulphidic Mining Wastes

    Since the 70's, when huge sulphidic open pits were developed, the acidic rock drainage (ARD) become the leader problem of the sulphidic mining industry. Although the recycling is an essential technology, it cannot cover the demand alone, thus mining activity needs to continue. Acidity in mine drainage commonly requires most of the attention, but the main problem is the caused elevated level of metal mobility and leaching, which are generated by the increased rates of sulphide weathering under acidic conditions. The Itos mine is a polymetallic vein deposit in Bolivia, had been mined for silver and tin until 1990, leaving behind much and huge tailings and mine waste heaps, where quite often the pyrite content exceeds 10 %. Serious ARD effects take place in the mine waste heaps. These processes can be well characterized with the pH 1 or 2 of the seepage water, which forms serious alteration in the waste itself and the neighbouring rocks. In three consecutive years, the pyrite oxidation rate was investigated on the same 7 samples by humidity cell test. 5-6 months pauses were left between the humidity cell test periods, which mimics the alternation of wet and dry periods, typical for the place. The results give much more information, than the oxidation rate in the individual test periods, showing the changes by time. This applied method gave good result to characterize the behaviour of the waste in long-term. The column test was complemented with mineralogical analyses, such as electron probe micro analysis. The mineralogical and column test analyses show, that the changes of the pyrite oxidation rate split the samples into three different groups, one where the oxidation rate decreases, second where it increases with time and the third where oxidation rate is maximal and stays stable for several years.

  • Development of engineering and innovation skills

    Spatial visualization skills have an important role in teaching and learning of engineering studies. Many studies have shown that there are correlations between various measures of spatial skills and performance in particular Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Many engineering students have problems with solving mathematics problems, using mathematical models in practice, imagining a spatial figure and therefore to solve the spatial geometry exercises, so development of these abilities is very important. We have developed special tools and worksheets for development of engineering and innovation skills.

  • The Effect of annealing temperature on corrosion resistance and microstructure of Zr-Sn-Nb-Fe alloy

    The Ti-2Al-2.5Zr titanium alloy plate in beta phase water quench at different times of the reentry after annealing is implemented while primary phase number and size distribution of samples are obtained. This research is carried out on corrosion behavior in 3.5% [mass fraction] NaCl solution. Experimental study showed that after the beta phase water quenching Ti-2Al-2.5Zr titanium alloyed after 500 oC annealing when partial recrystallization happened. There seems to be lots of tiny dispersion in the alloy that was annealed with its samples of six-party [HCP] structure of Ti, Zr, Al phase 2 with the dimension below 100 nm. Reaching 500 oC when the rate of annealing at a primary phase of the sample at 550 oC is low 90% of the primary phase is less than 100 nm. The changing of the rule of present decreasing also triggers little difference overall. Precipitation in the process of annealing Zr [Nb,Fe,Cr] 2is less that proves to be good for corrosion resistance.

  • Economic Analysis of Thermal Insulation Systems

    One of today's most important problem of inadequate energy management. In Hungary, most of the buildings considered to be outdated in the building materials used and taking into account the construction technology. A significant part of the heat energy used for heating purposes before leaving the environment through the building envelope elements used in time. In our study we investigate whether an average house how much energy you can save the facade walls with insulation.

  • What is worth knowing about the establishment from a work safety point of view

    Under establishment, we mean the process that results in the creation of a new unit (eg factory, plant, office, etc.), a workplace or an existing one what will be renewed, expanded or restructured, or installed; installed on a machine, plant, appliance, whether or not for productive or non-productive purposes. It is generally true that the design, construction, use and subsequent operation of workplaces, facilities, technology, materials, energy, personal protective equipment; production, distribution, import, transportation, movement, use and use of workplaces; in the absence of these, the requirements of the scientific-technical standard can be expected. An employer, operator, and service provider must adapt to market conditions. Accordingly, it should monitor the expectations of customers, business partners, market changes, trends to adapt to expectations, and therefore constantly develop their products, services, produce reliable quality, ensure that quality meets the market expectations providing personal and material conditions to ensure that employees can effectively and safely meet market expectations. The recognized business perception of the employer is to accomplish the above, the objectives to be achieved must be formulated, priority should be given to the potential risks (with particular regard to occupational safety risks) to be measured, measures to be taken to ensure effectiveness, short-, medium- and long-term planning, investment.

  • Investigation of SCOR Model in Connection with Performance and Warehouses

    Business leaders can use several strategic tools to improve the organization, depending on what they consider to be important. The Supply Chain Operational Reference Model (SCOR) is one of these. Its importance is to link business processes, performance metrics, best practices, and technology together and to create a unified structure. It promotes communication between the stakeholders of the supply chain and improves supply chain management and the efficiency of the related supply chain improvement activities. The aim of this study is to find out how the SCOR model appears in the international literature related to warehousing and performance. What methods and tools do authors use to investigate their research questions and hypotheses? Description statistics and category selection were used to present the results of the study. The number of SCOR model researches related to warehouse performance measurments are very rare, it is rather used to describe different processes. In the future, it would be worthwhile to extend the SCOR model analyzes to further fields, especially to warehouse performance measurements.

  • Role of Lean and Agile Supply Chain Models for Pellet Fuel Technologies

    Business organisations constantly strive to improve their processes, both internal and external. Within the supply chain of a product, different strategies can be applied. This paper aims to answer the basic questions like what is the core of lean and agile SCM strategies, what are the differences of the two models, and how can they be combined. This paper examines further, which of these SCM models and what elements of them can be applied for wood pellet supply chains, also examining the possibility of their combination. The result of these examinations is, that even though fuel pellets can be considered as simple commodity and not a very innovative product, diversity in input characteristics, optimization of fuel pellet technology process variables and changes in output market qualities and quantities need sometimes agile, flexible answer from pellet fuel SCM. The basically lean character of pellet fuel technologies and SCM can further enhanced by implementing agile SCM model elements, as is the increased integration of suppliers into the supply chain.

  • Laboratory-scale gasification of brown coal and char from RDF pyrolysis

    The pyrolysis is a promising process for producing syngas from wastes. However, the by-product of the technology may contain large quantities of carbon, therefore it is suitable for further syngas production. In this paper we examined the steam gasification of brown coal from Felsőnyárád and char from RDF pyrolysis derived from an experimental pilot plant operating in Zalaegerszeg. We performed our experiments in a laboratory-scale fix-bed reactor at 900 °C. The aim of this work to examine the efficiency of syngas production from pyrolysis char, as well as to explore the similarities and differences of the thermal decomposition of the feedstock materials.

  • The Observation of Natural Analogies and Their Use in Design

    According to, Thomas Heatherwick, who was an English architecture, ‘The biggest object is a building’. [1] Nature has phenomenal problem solving skills – ‘Nature knows it better’. It has an impact on us and on our subconscious.

  • Analysis of a Special, 3D Metal-Printed HPDC Tool Material

    High Pressure Die Casting (HPDC) is still the most productive metal-casting method of our time, however the more demanding are the industrial expectations, the more challenging it becomes to ensure the creation of the difficult cavity geometries and the thermal balance of the die-cast tool. New perspective is required, thus we can utilize high heat-conductivity tool steels and additive manufacturing technology.

  • Sport Consumption, Fan Engagement, Sport Statistics – Post-specific Passing Characteristics in Football

    Digitalization and the explosive development of technology have led to significant changes in football. Due to the increasing amount of data available through various sensors and other data collections, we can observe the rise of data-centric, analytical and statistically oriented thinking in football, which is also of interest to fans. Digitalisation is also closely linked to sports consumption, which is why we have seen significant changes in this area in recent years. The pandemic has further amplified the speed of digital transformation in the sports industry. One of the most important contents for sports organizations and their fans is the in-depth sports statistics and analysis that enhances the consumer experience. In our study, we examined the most common performance indicator in football, passing. Our goal was to examine the position-specific pass characteristics in detail, therefore we also examined different pass properties in our research. As a model for our analysis, I chose the premier league, which has the highest UEFA coefficient. The three rounds (rounds 30-32) of the championship season 2019/2020 have been recorded and analyzed in terms of passes. there was a significant difference between the average number of passes per game between defensive and offensive players (t=7,988, p<0.05). There is also a gradual decrease in the number of passes attempted per match and the accuracy of the pass in the examination of the middle positions when examining the positions in the depth of the pitch. For both pass accuracy and average pass count, the decreasing ranking corresponds to the position of positions on the pitch (order: 1, central defender 2, defensive midfielder 3, inside midfielder 4, attacking midfielder 5, striker). In the value indicator of the position for passes, offensive positions performed more effectively than defensive positions. The extreme positions also stand out among the attacking positions, where in the case of the position value per pass number, 23.3% of the total test was completed and 14% of the amount of the established position value indicators was provided by these posts. Overall, our study points to post-specific pass characteristics and, knowing this, we can state that the comparison of players' passing performance is relevant if the players are in the same or related positions.

  • Research of titration curves of red mud samples

    The aluminium demand is increasing worldwide, so the amount of red mud, which produced during the production of aluminium, is constantly increasing, also. The researching of the economical processing of the byproduct has been under way for a long time, but the industrial implementation of recovery technology, that is suitable in all aspects, has not yet been realized. The use of by-products, in addition to reduce the risk of contamination of environmental elements, may be useful for the recovery of valuable metals, which contained therein.

  • Self-developed Controller System –based on Open-Source Applications

    In the University of Debrecen Building Mechatronics Research Centre faced by the application of building automation technology, are tackled by cutting edge research performed at the Research Centre. The embedded device system, the focus of the ongoing project at the Research Centre, is programmable, reconfigurable, and adjustable. The design of an efficient embedded system must meet regulatory requirements, for optimizing building energy efficiency. The system provides solutions for a range of industrial applications, and peaks the interest of building services providers (e.g. SMEs).

  • The Possible Job Creation and Job Destructive Effects of Technological Development

    Throughout history, technological change has often provided the basis for employee anxiety. Between 1811 and 1816, a group of workers in England who called themselves "Luddists" destroyed machines, because they thought it would endanger their workplace. 19th-century thinkers and economists such as Karl Marx and David Ricardo predicted that mechanizing the economy would ultimately worsen workers' conditions, depriving them of a decent wage. Over the last century, John M. Keynes (1930s) and Wassily Leontief (1950s) have expressed their fears that more and more workers will be replaced by machine solutions that will lead to unemployment. In recent years, Brynjolfsson and McAfee (2014) have argued that existing technologies reduce the demand for labor and put some of the human workforce at a permanent disadvantage. However, there are a number of compensation mechanisms that can offset the initial displacement effects of automation and process innovation in general (Vivarelli, 2015). First of all, while workers are being replaced in industries that introduce new machine technology, additional workers in new industries are needed. Second, automation (and process innovation in general) reduces average costs. Acemoglu and Restrepo (2017) found that this results, on the one hand, in the effect of price productivity (“priceproductivity”) (as production costs decrease, the industry can expand and increase labor demand); and, on the other hand, it leads to economies of scale in production (the reduction in costs due to automation leads to an increase in total output and increases the demand for labor in all industries). Similarly, Vivarelli (2015) argues that lower average costs can result in lower prices (if the industry's market structure is perfectly competitive), stimulate product demand, or result in extra profits (if the industry's structure is not perfectly competitive). If these extra profits are reinvested in the company, this investment can create new jobs. The presentation intends to present these counterbalancing cases and to provide real examples based on the literature.

  • The Impact of Gas Flaring On Man and His Environment and the Way Out

    The nature of flaring processes has created a severe impact on man and the environment. Massive environmental degradation as a result of flaring activities has led to fluctuations in climate as well as depletion of the vegetation cover through acid rain. Findings have been made on some harmful gases released into the atmosphere that have effects on the environment and also on man. In order to control these effects by ensuring a clean atmosphere and environment, a new flaring model (DanMat flaring model) has been suggested. The model uses smoldering mechanism to reduce the amount of heat released into the atmosphere during conventional flaring by 60%. It also uses scavengers to oxidize harmful gas produced during flaring activities into less harmful ones. With this model one can flare gas without polluting the environment since it reduces the emissions of harmful gases during flaring.

  • Y Generation and the Job Seeking

    Generations Y and their expectations have caused many surprises for employers. They are different compared to their predecessors. Millennials were born in socialism in our country, but they did not experience from it so much, because they grew up in democracy. Their main feature is that they are openminded to opportunities, and they learn quickly modern technology innovations. They have a strong self-conscious, and are highly proactive. They prefer forms of atypical work, because they can carry out their work anywhere in the world due to the internet access. It is very important for them to keep the work - life balance. These properties have overwritten the conventional management methods, such as conventional recruiting techniques. This paper examines the main job seeking features of the Generation Y based on an empirical research.

  • Efficient removal of salts from the residual dross of aluminium melting

    A residual dross of high quantity and high salt content arises from the hot (thermo-mechanical) treatment of the primary dross generated by the production of aluminium alloys from scrap. It contains a relatively low concentration of metal (5 – 10 %) but a high amount (30 - %) of chloride salts and some other components beside the oxide matrix. Due to the components dissolved in or reacted with water, this industrial residue - arising in thousands of tons also in Hungary – qualifies as hazardous and causes a real burden to the environment. According to the laboratory experiments aimed at an economical technology, the chlorides are dissolved within a few minutes when a liquid/solid ratio of 1:1 cm3/g (water volume:sample mass) is assured with an intensity of the horizontal shaking to prevent sedimentation. However, the filling ratio of the vessel also appears to have an effect. An implementation of relatively low cost would allow the recycling of the salt and the application of the final residue for alternative purposes.

  • The Measurement of The Three Components of The Cutting Force During The Turning Process

    We carried out the measurement of the three components of the cutting force as a function of the modification of the depth of cut during the longitudinal turning process. The results show that if we increase the depth of cut, all three components of the cutting force shows increasing tendency, regardless of how much the cutting speed and feed speed were performed during the measurements [1] [2] [3] [4].

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