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Floodresc – Disaster Management in case of Flooding in the Hernad Watershed
181-187Views:107The aim of the Floodresc project is to develop a GIS based decision support system that can help the defense and rescue operations of the Disaster Management Directorate during any floods in the Hernád River. In the project, a geospatial database covering the entire river basin, a modeling application for predicting the extent of flooded areas in time, and a logistics model supporting defense-related transportation tasks will be developed.
Stationary and mobile particulate matter concentration measurement in Miskolc
338-344Views:148A stationary and mobile device based on a low-cost dust sensor (Plantower PMS7003) was used to study particulate matter (PM) concentration in Miskolc. The stationary device was placed at the automatic monitoring station of the National Air Quality Measurement Network (OLM) in Martintelep, Miskolc. The mobile device was used to walk 4 streets along a square route with a total length of 800 m. Measurements were made on two days (September 9 and 11) between 7am and 9am, which according to preliminary experience coincided with the morning rush hour. The access route includes the OLM monitoring station, a busy road, two bypasses, a parking lot, and a smaller roadway blocked by traffic. The measured PM1, PM2.5, PM10 concentrations of the mobile device were interpolated on a circuit-by-circuit basis in ArcGIS, and conclusions were drawn for the area. The concentration of stationary and mobile devices was compared.