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  • Analysis of labor consumption in Hungary in the last 5 years

    The main idea of ​​my research was the statement of the President of the Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Organization and Product Council (Ferenc Apáti), according to which the main obstacle to the future development of horticulture and the development plans of horticultural enterprises is capital shortfall factors). The employment of seasonal workers in the production of grapes and fruit and in horticultural farms is of the greatest importance. As a result, in my research, I examined the use of labor by those working in agriculture over the past 5 years. I reviewed how the coronavirus has affected the time spent by seasonal workers at work in the recent past. Since there are a lot of work phases in agriculture where there is a temporary use of labor, I considered it important to get around this topic better. As seasonal agricultural workers are often able to reach their agricultural jobs through travel and border crossings, government regulations (travel restrictions, border closures) have made it more difficult for these people to access jobs.

  • Preferences of Participants in Public Transport

    Today, the number of people who use public transport is decreasing, while the share of private transport is growing steadily. In order for people to choose public transport instead of a more convenient and more flexible individual transport, we need to know the factors that can influence them most in their decisions. In the first part of our article we review the main features of intermodality, intermodal nodes and intermodal public transport. Intermodal integration has to be realized through physical, network, fare, information and institutional level. In order to be able to formulate the integration goals correctly and to operate the entire intermodal system efficiently, we need to know the preferences that most affect the decisions of users of public transport or of nonusers. According to the literature, comfort, prices and travel time, on which people judge the status of public transport.

  • Use of the Renewable Energy in the Hungarian Residential Heating

    The purpose of my research is to compare the main energy sources in Hungary. These are the firewood and its compacts such as briquette, the natural gas and the electricity. I was wondered which energy became the most economical for an average Hungarian consumer with the recent changings of the market, only considering the proportion of the price and the heating value. The natural gas can be more competitive again thanks to this rapid market changes. The consumer price of the electricity and the natural gas decreased because of some governmental decisions, but this can’t be said to the firewood, which prices are in constant increasing, however, in some parts of the country this is the only available resource for heating. In these places, people will burn some other stuff to complement the lack of the main resources, and this will worsen the quality of the rural air. I represent the changes of the recent years with some ratios, then make a hierarchy about the mentioned resources in 2017 and five years earlier only from heating value.

  • The Importance of Energy Management in Hungary

    One of the important elements of our everyday life is energy, but the amount of it is constantly decreasing, so it is advisable to include renewable energies in our energy management in addition to traditional energy sources. In the field of energy management, the use of renewable energies deserves attention because their share is increasing, although their percent is small. At present, Hungary and the European Union's energy policy contain guidelines that aim to increase the utilization of renewable energy sources. These directives contribute to achieving environmental and climate protection goals, job creation, territorial and urban development, and the reduction of dependence on energy imports. In my article, I would like to present various calculations in the field of energy management as a result of the previously described information and I would like to explore the energy management contexts that have come to the fore when examining residential energy consumption

  • Strategic Role of HR in Hungary and Slovakia, Based on the International Cranet Research (2015-2016)

    Western-European management trends have been spread including modern approaches to human resource management over the past decades in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. The point of the new HR conception is the strategic partner role, which is underpinned by the appreciation of human resources. There was a rapid change in the management methods of the organizations due to the socio-economic changes in the examined countries. However, in many places the personnel departments were simply renamed, and their HR staff are still concentrating on their traditional activities. These activities are important and should  be fulfilled today as well, but to play an influential role in the design and maintenance of organizational competitiveness HR should have a new, strategic attitude. The study examines HR's strategic role based on the empirical international Cranet research in Hungary and in Slovakia.

  • Parametric Programming Applied to the Optimal Production Structure in Determining

    The agricultural planning often the question arises, how the different input (fertilizer, feed, irrigation, etc) from what to use on a production (land, animals) unit basis, and to what intensity. The input transformational efficiency experiments by setting analysis and evaluation. For example examined the nutrient replenishers fertilization experiments, the effect of nutritional values of the feed on the body weight gain, milk production in animal experiments. The input input efficiency to the external environment (weather, soil conditions, unexpected events), the technology used and the biological factors both influence. The farmer must be chosen in each sector, taking into account the magnitude of these inputs and environmental requirements. The economic optimum is usually trying to approach the sectoral level, which serves as the basis for future planning data. The mathematical programming models using relatively simply and quickly determine the optimal production structure. The models provide the specific resource requirements for, and the limitations of the objective function coefficients are calculated on the basis of sectoral. This becomes a deterministic model, and we can get the appropriate sectoral analyzes outstanding results of production structures. Therefore the relationships within sectors directly incorporate mathematical programming model and corporate interests placed above the interests of the industry to determine the intensity of the sectoral inputs. in their article a fertiliser application example, we present the production structure and the plant production sector fertiliser input of a time optimization, in which the fertilizer for specified sectoral relationships appear in the model objective function.

  • The Role of Renewable Energy Sources in Energy Production and Use

    The role of renewable energies in energy management is growing both in the European Union and in Hungary. The use of renewable energy sources is already quite large (transport, heating, lighting, etc.) and it is advisable to deal with these energy sources in the year 2020. The use of energy from renewable sources can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce dependency on the continuously problematic oil and gas market. A review of energy data over the last 10 years shows that renewable energy sources are playing an increasingly important role in the European Union. I support this finding by the fact that the share of energy from renewable sources in gross energy consumption has almost doubled in the last few years.

  • The Location of Energy Plantations in the Sowing Structure and Its Evaluation with Linear Programming

    The research is examining traditional arable crops and woody plants on the basis of their marginal contribution. Calculations of income, expenditure and revenue were made on the grounds of sectoral technologies, which were the basis of the value of marginal contribution of the given sectors. As the linear programming model is quite comprehensive, we used this method for our calculations. To compile our model, we have gathered all the necessary information from farmers of the region of the Northern Great Plain. The missing data was completed from the databases of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH), Institute for Agricultural Economics Research and Information Technologies (AKII) and the Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT). In some cases, we also used data of the Agricultural Administration Office and the Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Development. Our goal is to compile a 12-year production structure that suits for the characteristics of the region of the Northern Great Plain by achieving the maximum marginal contribution of a feature-farm.

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