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  • Domestic violence in a literary work (Zsigmond Móricz, It is nice and good at the end of the world)

    In my study I am going to present a rather complicated issue, namely a few problems of domestic violence based on a less-known short story by the Hungarian writer Zsigmond Móricz. I chose this story because it is still relevant today, it could even be set in 2017, as it basically depicts domestic violence in its complexity. This story by Móricz proves that the phenomenon of domestic violence is not at all new, given that in the beginning or the middle of the 20th century we can see the same complex social problem which present-day criminal law has to face. Hungarian society 50 or 100 years ago was not exempt from domestic violence either. We may also claim that the factors enhancing domestic violence were even stronger than today. The story aligns several dimensions of domestic violence, as it shows examples of both child and wife abuse. I am going to analyse the crimes depicted by Móricz according to the criminal laws effective today, and I just tangentially touch upon the judgment of the offences in the age of writing. This way, first I analyse the questions of child abuse, focusing on the right of punishment, which is still relevant in today’s criminal system as a cause for miscarriage. Then I present a detailed analysis of the bearing of case of partner abuse in the framework of violence in relationships, which exists in Hungarian criminal law since 2013.

  • The principle of the separation of power in the works of István Bibó

    The purpose of my study is to examine the theories of the separation of powers and its application in different periods. My investigation based on two monograph from Bibó: The Principle of the Separation of Power Sometime and at Present, and Lawfull and Effective Administration, Firm Executive Power.
    The ancient philosophers have already dealed with such theories. Among of them Aristoteles has the largest importance defining the three main powers: the legislation, the executive power, and the iurisdiction.
    The most substantial step in the Middle Ages was creating the moral basis for exercise of powers. The reformation and the development of civil society has improved this conception, Montesquieu attributed the powers with function, and emphasized the separation of them. Nevertheless István Bibó emphasizes not only the separation, but also the struggle against the concentration of power, and the abuse of power. The principle of the separation of powers could prevail clearly only in the USA, but not in Europe. István Bibó explains the causes of
    those in his monograph (The Principle of the Separation of Power Sometime and at Present).,for example the function of the monarcha or the principle of sovereignty.
    Bibó defined the obstructive factors in realisation of the principle of the separation of powers. These are: bureaucracy and the exorbitant state role in the economic and in the culture.
    In his other monography (Lawful and Effective Administration, Firm Executive Power) Bibó describes the necessary elements of lawful and effective administration, like loyality, professionalism and effective enforcement. At the same time, by realisation of these, the risk of the abuse of power could arise, creation of a new power would be therefor necessary. This power might be a regulatory power, which would be able to define the main criteria of exercise of power. Beforehand the church played that role, but in the twentieth century its function became vacant. I think the function of the new power would be similar to the role of the Constitutional Court at national level, or to the role of the European Court of Justice, of the International Court of Justice, and of the International Criminal Court at international level.

  • Domestic violence

    There have been different theories concerning the reasons of domestic violence and abuse.

    The court as well as the police can call for restraining, which is especially established for preventing the repetition of the domestic violence.

    For the treatment of the above mentioned problem there have been founded two models: the Duluth and the Austrian model.

    In the memberstates of the European Committee it can be said that the strong front against the domestic violence is quite general, but the regulation is very diverse which means there is no silver bullet in the fight against it.

  • The psichological aspects of the false facts of the case in the sentence

    Psychology plays a main role in the criminal procedure. The psychological methods started being used only in the 19th century. During the legal proceedings the autorities must deal with people. The behavior of the people is very different. The authorities must know the basic rules of the psichology to understand the accused people and witneses. The human memory has a lot of regularity. The knowledge of these regularities make easier the efforts of the authorities to get the truts. The importance of the pschichological knowledge in the legal occupation is unquestional. Overbearing police methods creat too high risk of false confession and are not likely to yield factually reliable information from the accused. A significant number of confessions that result in wrongful convictions are obtained through coercive questioning. This paper examines false confessions and discusses the psychological and social factors that influence the verdict in criminal procedure and how often do false confessions lead to miscarriages of justice. In determining the admissibility of confession evidence, the courts have to considere factors such as mental abuse in addition to physical force and threats.

  • Enforcement options in case of abuse of unilateral power in the field of working time

    Apart from the aforementioned provisions of Act CXVI of 2018 amending the Labour Code's rules on working time, nowhere in our current legislation is there a meaningful request for employee consent on the subject of working time, which - even if an employer's ultima ratio is maintained - would be extremely beneficial, in our view, not only from a fundamental rights and social, but also from an economic-efficiency perspective. The fulfilment of the aforementioned obligation to harmonise EU law would also undoubtedly bring benefits in this area. However, it should be noted that European Union legislation does not provide a satisfactory solution to these problems either, as it does not itself contain sufficient legislative provisions to involve the employee side in decisions on working time/working patterns. In our view, the only solution would be a domestic legislative reform that would provide a solution to all the problems identified in our study in line with EU law, but with its own solutions.

  • - Alternatives to imprisonment in the light of sentencing

    In most criminal cases, the judges and the society also think the same, imprisonment is the best option,because  the criminal have to suffer. I think there can be a different way of thinking. There area lot of theretical and practical view,which we can choose from. In my study I want to take a step, to open well-known doors in this well-known question. In my study i want to figure it out, how to find the balance, between the expectation from the society, and special preventation.  It is a really hard question, because it has not any golden rule. In every case we have to look for it.  I choosed verdicts from last 5 years  from hungarian courts, to figure out what was the reason behind the judgement. What was the key  phrase, or factor, which  convinced the judge to choose the alternative sanction.  As is said , there is no golden rule, it is just some theoretical study. In the future i want to make a bigger step, to search the answer.

    But in this study I have some little answers, which will help me to build up the in the future.  I figured out, in the hungarian prison system there is one problem, which is recidivism. In the prison more than 50% of the detainees are repeat offender, or habitual criminal. I think That can be a warning sign  about imprisonment. I think imprisonment is like penicilin in the 20th century. It has the purpose, and can be used in some cases, but not every time. The prisons are overpopulated, which hard for enforcement, and the criminals to. Lot of aggression and physical abuse can accumulate in one cell. I mention a case, which happened in a hungarian prison, where the offender have been killed by his cellmates, because he was weaker then them.

    In my study  I am trying to step forward to find the previously mentioned golden rule.