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  • Thoughts on the relation between the right to life and the reasons for excluding criminal responsibility

    A modern polgári demokratikus berendezkedésű államokban az élethez való jog alkotmányos alapjog, mely a legnagyobb értéket, az emberi életet védi. Bár e jog elismerése és védelme megkérdőjelezhetetlen a modern társadalmakban, mégis számos esetben merülhet fel az élethez való jog korlátozhatóságának problematikája.

    Munkámban arra a kérdésre kerestem a választ, hogy az élethez való jog a jogellenességet kizáró okok tükrében korlátozható alapjognak tekinthető-e, avagy sem. Miután megvizsgáltam e jog megjelenését az Alkotmányban, illetve az Alaptörvényben, illetve megvizsgáltam a kapcsolatát a jogos védelemmel és a végszükséggel, arra jutottam, hogy ezek a jogellenességet kizáró okok kétség kívül az élethez való jog korlátait jelentik. 

    Az Alaptörvény újítása, hogy a jogos védelmet alapjogi szintre emelte. Az Alkotmány és a régi Btk. hatálya alatt sem volt vitás, hogy az élet ellen irányuló jogtalan támadás a támadó életének kioltása árán is elhárítható. A problémát az jelenti, ha az egymásnak feszülő jogi érdekek, a védett jogi tárgyak heterogének, mely eset fennállhat a tisztán vagyon elleni támadások esetén. Különösen problematikus az új Btk. által bevezetett szituációs jogos védelemnek az az esete, mely felhatalmazást ad a lakásba éjjel történő jogtalan behatolás esetén a behatoló életének kioltására. Mivel ebben az esetben nem tisztázott, hogy a támadás az élet, avagy a vagyoni javak ellen irányul, véleményem szerint helyesebb lett volna meghagyni a bírói szabad mérlegelés lehetőségét.

    A végszükséggel kapcsolatban a bizonyos hivatást űző személyek megítélése a problematikus, ugyanis a törvény kizárja e jog hatálya alól azokat, akiknek a veszély vállalása foglalkozásuknál fogva kötelességük. Tekintettel arra, hogy mind a jogos védelem, mind a végszükség megengedhetőségének indoka az, hogy az emberi természettel összeegyeztethető, jómagam nem látom indokát annak, hogy ebből a jogból bárki is ki legyen zárva.

  • Cheating at the genetic lottery - the regulation of human germline gene editing in Hungarian criminal law

    Germline gene editing has undergone a revolutionary development in recent decades: genetic intervention has the potential to bring about drastic changes in human lives, or even in the human race. However, this development has not been matched by legal and, in particular, criminal law: the response of criminal law to the development of genetic engineering is outdated, insufficiently elaborate and the deterrent effect of the penalty is disproportionate to the gravity of the offence. In my thesis I am outlining the development of genetic engineering, its ethical and social risks, the international regulation reflecting these, the domestic regulations and their shortcomings, and - as a synthesis of my experience - I am making a de lege ferenda proposal to remedy the latter in an effort to create the most appropriate criminal law regulation possible. The aim of my proposal is, first and foremost, to regulate germline gene editing through more specific, modernised and, in certain aspects, stricter criminal law provisions, which will protect the individual, society, humanity and the interests of society from the dangers that can be expected from the imminent spread of human germline gene editing.

  • Criminal offences that infringe on individual freedom versus restrictions imposed during the pandemic to guarantee access to education

    In the study we propose as follows, we will look at differences in perception between the pandemic constraints imposed by the governmenst of countries affected by the pandemic in view of managing the pandemic and society’s perception that governments have deprived citizens of their freedom by restricting their mobility and imposing restrictions with regard to travel, including in order to attend educational activities. In some cases, the communities affected by the restrictive measures have gone further, accusing governments of the crime of “Illegal Deprivation of Freedom”, which is included by the legislator in the criminal codes of countries. We consider that the accusations brought against the authorities are unfounded, exaggerated, and thoroughly wrong. We believe that they are due to communication gaps in the public domain, the differences in perception of community members in the context of changing paradigms and the insufficient legal education, which leads to confusion between illegal deprivation of freedom and limitations or restrictions. Although, in the legislation, the articles that provide for the criminal offences relevant to the matter are included in the criminal (penal) codes, for example, in the Romanian legislation in Article 205 of the Criminal Code, with the marginal name “Offences against Individual Freedom” of Title I, which bears the marginal name “Offences against the Person”, and falls within the area of ​​interest of legal sciences, we will analyze the effects in relation to the limitations and restrictions imposed by the authorities for the management of the pandemic. To this end, on the one hand we will highlight the aspects of material criminal law necessary for the legal classification of a deed as offence of illegal deprivation of freedom, in accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Codes of Romania, Hungary, Republic of Italy, Greece, and on the other hand, we will present some aspects regarding the management of the coronavirus crisis in the area of ​​education.

  • The temporal scope of the new Criminal Code in context of provisions of the General Part

    Act of 2012 on the Criminal Code came into force on the 1st of July 2013 after a long codification period.  A new Criminal Code always leads to problems in application of law, therefore, it is quite actual to make an examination on new provisions. Some classic provisions of the General Part remained the same, although the penalty system and some other regulations have been renewed. The temporal scope of the new code will possibly be in focus for years.

    The aim of this research is to take an examination on the case law and judicial decisions of Hungarian courts related to temporal scope of the new Criminal Code that is a significant part of this paper. The new Hungarian Criminal Code has been required to be prepared more severe than the former code. The other aim of this research is to revise the new provisions of the General Part resulting in statements about whether these new rules are more severe or more lenient than the Act IV of 1978.For this purpose a close legal interpretation shall be taken into account.