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  • Die Macht des Wissens vs. der Rechtsrahmen (?) – Gedanken über den Rechtsrahmen des Wissens, insbesondere der Idee

    Die Kernfrage des Aufsatzes lautet: Kann sämtliches Wissen in dem jeweiligen Rechtsrahmen ausgelegt werden? Ist alles Wissen rechtlich geschützt? Geistiges Eigentum steht für absolute Rechte an immateriellen Gütern. Als Geistiges Eigentum bezeichnet wird: Marken, Patente, Gebrauchsmuster, Geschmacksmuster und urheberrechtliche Nutzungsrechte. Es handelt sich um absolute Ausschließlichkeitsrechte, die gegenüber jedermann wirken. Aber doch kann die Idee als Monopolrecht verstehen? Die Idee kann urheberrechtlich nicht geschützt werden, kann als der Teil des Gewerblichen Rechts, oder des Geistigen Eigentumsrecht ipso iure nicht beurteilt werden, nur dann, wenn sie als Geheimnis ausgelegt werden kann, oder manifestiert ist.

  • Substantive conditions of asylum detention in the light of EU law

    Hungary lies in the route of the stream of refugees coming from the Balkan. It is a transit country, so the refugees do not typically intend to stay here, they rather wish to travel torwards to West- and North Europe. Particular sections of Hungary's border also mean the external borders of the European Union, the area of freedom, security and justice, which has a common asylum system. Significant part of illegal immigrants presents asylum claim only to avoid the aliens procedures.

    From the 1st of January 2013, the legislature terminated the aliens detention against asylum applicants. From 1st of July 2013 the Hungarian legislature reintroduced the possibility of detention of applicants. The new regulation has been placed in Act LXXX of 2007 on the Right of Asylum, Sections 31/A-31/H by Act XCIII of 2013 on the Amendment of Particular Laws Concerning Law Enforcement. The introduction of asylum-seeker detention and the practice of its application have raised dust. In my essay I am introducing the connections between the reasons of ordering asylum-seeker detention in the Act on Asylum and its backgroud in the EU Directive. I am not dealing with the question of compatibility of asylum detention and human rights and with problematic procedural issues, because I consider it more important to review the substantive conditions of asylum-seeker detention and the certain practical questions of its application therefore I am focusing on this segment of jurisdiction.

  • The criminal protection of the persons abused by domestic violence

    Domestic violence is as old as mankind. However, in different historical periods, it was also judged differently in the society, in ethics, or in criminology. Today we must ensure to construct and maintain a complex and thorough system to protect the rights of the victims of domestic violence, or, at least take measures to do so. In my paper I am examining the legal tools of the criminal substantive law that are applied to ensure the effective protection of the abused of domestic violence. My primary aim is to present a collection of criminal substantive regulations, which are meant to protect the victims of domestic violence.

  • Momentbild über die Judikatur des Rechts am eigenen Bild 2. Teil

    Die Persönlichkeitsrechte, insbesondere das Recht am eigenen Bild stehen in den letzten Jahrzehnten im Fokus der Rechtsliteratur und der Judikatur. In unserer digitalisierten Welt ist die Möglichkeit  des Missbrauchs von Fotos und mit dem Bildnis der Menschen bedeutend gewachsen, die Privatsphäre ist in Gefahr. Das Aussehen der Menschen – dessen Teil auch das Bildnis ist – ist die erstmalige Form der  Erscheinung der Unterscheidung der Menschen in der Gesellschaft. Der Missbrauch mit dem Recht an eigenen Bild hat verschiedene Manifestationen: die Herstellung der Aufnahmen ohne Genehmigung, die Veröffentlichung und andere Verwendung der Fotos, die Modifizierungen der Aufnahmen ohne Genehmigung, weiterhin die Übergabe der Aufnahmen an andere Personen und das Abspielen der Aufnahmen.

    Gemäß den Regelungen des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches ist zur Anfertigung und Verwendung eines Bildes oder einer Tonaufnahme die Zustimmung der betroffenen Personen erforderlich. Eine Ausnahme davon bilden die Massenaufnahmen und die Aufnahmen von Auftritten im öffentlichen Leben. Das neue BGB (Gesetz Nr. V. von 2013) hat die vorherige Judikatur in den Text des Gesetzes eingebaut, und betont, dass nicht nur zur Anfertigung, sondern auch zur Verwendung eines Bildes die Zustimmung der betroffenen Personen erforderlich ist.

    Grundlegend ist die Aufgabe der Judikatur die Bestimmung der Grenzen der rechtsmäßigen und die unrechtsmäßigen  Anfertigung und Verwendung der Aufnahmen. Die Rechtspraxis hat ausgearbeitet, was man unter Bildnis versteht, was die Voraussetzungen der Zustimmung zur Anfertigung eines Bildes sind, welche die Formen der Zustimmung sind, was man unter Massenaufnahmen versteht, und wann man über Aufnahmen von Auftritten im öffentlichen Leben sprechen kann.

    Dieses Schreiben bietet ein umfassendes Bild über das Recht und die Judikatur am eigenen Bild, detailliert und analysiert die Rechtverletzungen dieses Rechtes und die Sanktionen der Verletzungen, und gibt einen Überblick der anderen Aspekte dieses Rechtes, insbesondere präsentiert es die Fragen der Anfertigung der Tonaufnahmen bei Zivil- und Strafgerichtsverhandlungen, die Vorschriften des Datenschutzgesetzes, und die Praxis der Beobachtung mit Kamera.

    Der erste Teil dieses Schreibens wurde im Erinnerungsbuch für den 65. Geburtstag von Herrn Prof György Csécsy veröffentlicht und in dem zweiten Teil des genannten Schreibens stehen die Fragen des Datenschutzes im Fokus gemäß der Regelungen des Info–Gesetzes (Gesetz Nr. CXIII von 2011), und das Problem der Anfertigung der Tonaufnahmen an Arbeitsplätzen, an öffentlichen Plätzen, in den Massenverkehrsmitteln und in den Gesellschaftshäusern werden vom Urheber ebenso geprüft. Der zweite Teil des Artikels beschäftigt sich mit den speziellen Regelungen der Zivilprozessordnung, und macht die wirksame Normen des Abschnitts von XXI/A der Zivilprozessordnung (Gesetz Nr. III. von 1952), die Anomalien  der Bildnis-Verfahren bekannt, auch mit Rücksicht auf die neue Prozessverordnung (Gesetz Nr. CXXX von 2016).

    Am Ende des Artikels hat der Urheber festgesellt, dass die gesetzlichen Regelungen über den Schutz der Rechte am eigenen Bild einheitliche Judikatur ermöglichen, mit Rücksicht darauf, dass die Rechtspraxis bei der Auflösung der Rechtsstreiten die bürgerrechtlichen Aspekte betont, wo die verfassungsrechtlichen, datenschutzrechtlichen Aspekte im Hintergrund stehen. Der Artikel kritisiert die Einführung und das Anbehalten des speziellen Prozesstyps, d.h. der Bildnis-Prozess.

  • Right to the fair trial in the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights against Hungary, with special regard to the requirement of reasonable period of time

    As for the right to a fair trial sanctioned by the convention, our most determining deficiencies arise regarding the compliance with a reasonable period of time. Despite of the relatively small number of the Hungarian infringements of the European Convention on Human Rights, the expectation of sufficiently efficient dispositions eliminating the prolongation of the judicial procedures applies for Hungary as well.

    In general, it can be concluded that the Hungarian legal system provides the basic human right to fair trial. This claim is supported by the low number of infringements in Hungary. In this study I sought to present the data related to the Hungarian cases proceeding at the European Court of Human Rights, as well as elementswarranting the emergence of the right to a fair trial assured by Article 6, together with the aspects during the monitoring of the cases of the prolongation of the judicial procedures respected by the Court of Strasbourg. Finally I aimed to delineate the aforesaid apropos of a representative and an exceptional case in respect of the practice of the Court as well.

  • Some current practical issues on preventive restraining orders in cases of intimate partner violence

    Act no. LXXII of 2009 on restraint at a distance for the purpose of violence between relatives (Act on Restraining Orders) has been amended a total of eight times since its entry into force on 1 October 2009. Some of the amendments were made to remedy shortcomings in practice, while others were made to comply with EU law. In the light of the almost one and a half decade that has passed since the entry into force of the Act, it is appropriate to review how, beyond the amendments, the practice of applying this Act has evolved. The present paper aims to briefly describe the judicial practice of preventive restraint, mainly in the Curia, and to discuss the key elements in the assessment of the concept of violence between relatives, the findings of the courts, in particular the Curia, in the context of restraint and parental custody and the use of the home, and the applicability of the Criminal Code.

  • The essential rights of the local governments in the aspect of Financial Law

    In my study I deal with the connection between the local governments and the Constitution in the aspect of Financial Law.

    The local governments’ essential rights have been laid down  in the Constitution in a separate (IX.) chapter. The defence of the local governments is different from the defence of fundamental human rights. The latter has the test of necessity and proportionality. The local governments’ constitutional rights can be restricted until the infringement of its fundamental contents.

    I examined the rights of the local governments connected with the Financial Law, so I was engaged mainly in the financial support of it and the right of property and tax assessment. The Constitutional regulation of the financial support is most unique. The difference is that this paragraph (44/A. § (1) c) is not a rule of competence and jurisdiction however an obligation for the state to guarantee the self income and the proper state support to the local governments. The most important own sources are the taxes, which are necessary to discharge the duties. The authority to issue taxes derives from the Constitution - 70/I. § and 44/A. § (1) d. These paragraphs  prescribes that every natural and legal person must contribute to rates and taxes depend on their income and estate.

    The local governments may issue taxes within the framework of law, but their legislation is wide-ranging within it, for this reason there are a lot of instructive judgements of the Constitutional Court.

  • Tort Law in Germany

    Without abstract.

  • Functions and interpretation of principles in the German contract law

    To describe the functions of principles we can say that all of them are fundamental basis of an area of law. They declare or solve concrete debates between the parties. If there is a problem with interpreting of a rule in the civil code, judges has this helping hand. In Germany the development of principles in the field of contract law has a really unique historical root. At the time of BGB’s birth, the German Civil Code did not accept any exculpation under the rule pacta sunt servanda. Moral philosophers acknowledged that a contract as private interest of the parties needs special protection from the state. It is not only a personal relationship, because self welfare leads to welfare of the public. The law has to regulate this field and give instruments of protection for both parties to ensure peace and equality in the field of public relations and moral.

    After the First World War, Rechtsmark (German currency) had its deepest point in its history. The inflation was so high that the performance of a contract made before the war was absolutely unfair for the supplier. For the cost of one galloon gas anyone could buy the entire stock after the war. There was a too late and too small reaction from the state for this situation. An Act had been accepted in 1925 about revalorization. The main fault of this Act was the strict and very small applicability in the field of contracts. The regulations of it were applicable only for contracts with large economic potential.

    German jurisdiction had to solve the problem. The most difficult part of this process was how to dissolve the strict paradigm of pacta sunt servanda. Oertmann, a German legal expert created the collapse of the foundation of the transaction. It meant that changed circumstances deprive the contract from its ground, the need of the party. Anybody who signs a contract has a need and tries to create all conditions of that specific contract to harmonize with his or her needs and interest. In case of an essential change of circumstances this interest modifies and the original transaction became tremendously onerous for him or her. The doctrine of Oertmann was insisted on pacta sunt servanda, so after the change of circumstances the whole contract failed.

    Jurisdiction in Germany accepted Oertmann’s doctrine with a completion. Judges vindicated the right for themselves to modify the contract to be suitable for the new interests of the parties. This modification meant the implementation of clausula rebus sic stantibus into German contract law. It became applicable worldwide in the field of long term relationship of the parties.

    In this essay I examine not only the development of these contractual principles in Germany but the effectiveness and functions of them. I describe and define the legal interest of regulating contracts and what is the connection between private and public interest in the field of the law of contracts. As a defect of the contractual procedure non-performance and other breach of a contract have special importance in civil law. Good faith is a basic principle of civil law in Hungary too and in most European civil codes. The interpretation of German good faith theory (Treu und Glauben) is significant from the viewpoint of the judicial modification of contracts. In case of clausula rebus sic stantibus if the party wants to ground his or her claim, he or she has to prove the good faith as a moral standard to be an exculpation under the heavy burden of pacta sunt servanda. The conclusion is that in Germany the basic element of private contracts is not the consent of parties but good faith of them. The socially excepted moral appears through the requirement of good faith of the parties. The law has to ensure that in any period of a contractual relationship this good faith exists.

  • Alluvial Deposit in Roman Land Surveyors’ and Legal Works

    Besides legal sources, the term alluvio appears in Roman surveyors’ works and to a lesser extent in literary pieces. Chronologically, the word was used later in literary works than by surveyors and legal sources. Legal usage had definitely influenced literary usage. However, the meaning of the term had undergone some change during the word borrowing process. The Digesta and Institutiones first define the term, then deal with this doctrine in connection to usufruct, pledge, will and sale. Legal sources are well complemented and tinged by the Roman surveyors’writings, who examined the problem of alluvio from technical and legal aspects as well. For example their writings provide essential information about which parts of the Roman Empire were affected regularly by the action of rivers. The collation of sources makes it possible to examine the problem of alluvio from historical aspect as well, which is closely connected to the assessment of river bank land. It seems probable that as a result of a long process the distinction made between ager occupatorius and ager limitatus became less important from the point of view of alluvial accession.

  • Enforcment of the right to personal liberty in Bűnvádi Perrendtartás

    In this study, first of all I am dealing with the question, how the right to personal liberty prevails in the Bűnvádi Perrendtartás, however at the beginning I would like to introduce how the law for the personal liberty formed and how it appeared in Hungary and in the international documents, so in the British, American and French law as well.

    The most serious barrier of the personal liberty is the criminal law, so i find it especially important to examine that for this reason what kind of safeguards were placed into the Bűnvádi Perrendtartás.

    In general it can be said that the most important guarantees of the personal liberty are found in the principles of the criminal law, for example presumption of innocence, and through this it prevails in the Bűnvádi Perrendtartás' system.

    Firstable the limitation of the personal liberty has to be looked in the coercive measures, so I studied the pre-trial detention institution, that besides the basic principle what kind of safeguards were brought in by the legislature.

    In the end, it can be said that the right to personal liberty influences the whole Bűnvádi Perrendtartás, and in the cases where there were limitations, they always solved it with a safeguard.